Quests Quest tracker incorrect/broken


Pirate Apprentice
Sometimes when having a quest that tracks to a place like Wildwoods on Tortuga, it doesn't track at all and I have to guess which area I'm supposed to go to. This is really annoying sometimes and since I haven't played in a while I can't remember which area I'm supposed to go to. I don't know if this was intentional or not by the developers, but I suggest making it track into certain areas like this.
So the quest shining light and compass pointing where you need to go is broken. Here is screenshot proof.

Just in case you were to lazy to do the Black Pearl Quest John Smith is at Driftwood Island, the compass and light are pointing to Padres Del Fuego.... You can also tell that the quest I have selected to track is the BP Quest since it says in the top right corner Return to John Smith


Here's a picture of me and John Smith being confused on why it says he is far away...
I experienced this too with other quests. For example my story quest telling me to return to Carver, the bartender in the tavern, guiding me to LaLa in the tattoo shop. Or when I have a quest to sink shops and the light and compass is guiding me to Port Royal. It's always Port Royal when I'm looking for ships lol. I wish the compass would instead guide me to the ships I need to sink.
This happens to me sometimes, too. Though when it happens to me it's usually pointing me to an earlier part of the quest--For example if I were to turn one in to Carver, it would point me towards him instead of the person I need to see next. I haven't had it point me to an entirely wrong island yet, thankfully. That would be a tad bit confusing.