Event  Rev Ram.... who wants it?!?

DA Red Beard

Honorable Pirate
I would like to get a group together for a round of cannon defense tonight. I already have Rev Ram and Cajun Ram but lack Master Gunner's and Iron Priming Ram. I am usually always down to help anybody out with CD and love to see people get rev ram when they don't already have it. I am open to share any tips and tricks and help me fellow pirates turn into CD masters. I am thinking that 7 pm central tonight is probably going to be the best time for me. Please make sure you can devote 2-3 hours as that is usually what it takes to get to the higher waves that offer the best rams. As for the server, I won't be able to commit to one till we get a little closer to that time, but I will post well before it starts. Hope to see some of you there.
Okay, so as of right now we have:
1. Red Beard
2. John Foulroberts
3. Bart Gunshot
4. Bobby Flat Foot (maybe)

I would like to see maybe a couple more people show, just in case we have a no-show. I hate to waste anybody's time but no-shows are usually a sure thing. I think that right now we will meet on Kokoros server at the Tortuga CD site in Tortuga Graveyard at 7pm Central time (8 pm eastern). If we need to switch servers due to lag or other players, we will make the call at that time. Look forward to seeing you there and Good Luck!!!!

I would love to come if there is an opening! I need steel and Rev, I only have iron and haunted.. bleh o.o
Sorry Constance, you must have been posting as I was writing the previous post. If there is a no-show, or Bobby is not able to make it we would love to have you complete the crew Constance!! Thanks to everyone for the replies and this won't be the only group that I get together with. I am a cd-oholic so I am down most anytime that I have the time, so don't be afraid to ask.
I would love to help, I'm itching for another Cajun.. if you have space, I'll be glad to fill it :D

Btw.. Igor brought this to my attention some time ago; my friend was able to get Iron Priming (and I got Priming) in CD wave 50s the first few weeks we CD'ed, but I have never seen it since. NOBODY I know has found it, so if you find either, would you care to post a screenie here? :D
What an EPIC run!!! We barely survived the last few waves, but it was a record breaker for me:
Old record: 48
New record: 74!
Here's loot and results. Got 1 Famed and Haunted!

THANK YOU Red Beard, Gastro, and Bart Gunshot!!
well we somehow kept going with very little gold left

then we lost

John got haunted, gastro got a famed, red got rev, and i got marauder and marauder oh and marauder even tho i got nothing good it was still rly fun
i wanted to come but it was full. :(
Sorry Mate!! Fortunately, I love to play cd. I might have some time in the early afternoon tomorrow, but won't know for sure until then. Indeed it was an epic run tonight and we had a lot of fun. Look forward to doing it again and hopefully they won't be so stingy with the Rev Ram!!
I'm pretty good at CD but every time theres an event it fills up before i can get to it. so i have no rams at all