Safety Reminder

Hey all,

Given recent events, I just wanted to remind everyone that the forums are a safe place. Disney might not be proactive about dealing with security issues in POTCO, but we take good care of the forums.

Also keep in mind you are not allowed to damage other player's reputations, no matter the circumstances. With that in mind, it should be very clear that you should NEVER ever ever share your account details with ANYONE.

It is important to understand that accounts in the game are NOT being hacked. Accounts are being socially engineered, which is a practice in which a malicious person manipulates account holders into performing certain actions or giving up personal information that would allow them to gain access to your account.

Complaining about hacking only spreads fear, uncertainty, and doubt.. which can feed the attacker's ego. Instead of living in fear, we can solve the problem by learning how to protect ourselves from social engineering. Account details don't just include your username or password, but also your email, date of birth, and possibly answers to security questions.

Do not let yourself be intimidated by attackers. They cannot hack into your account as they please, but they can try to compromise it by tricking you into revealing information. If you are careful enough, your account can not be compromised.

Report any suspicious activity on the forums to staff.

If you have any questions feel free to post them here.
I am glad that ye pointed out that these accounts are not being hacked. Hacked implies that an individual is going into the code its self and manipulating it. What is rampid in game the good old fashion con game. Con means confidence game, as Davy outlined above. Pirates are being tricked out of there username and password. They are giving this information up for the promise of something. This is a classic con.

So in summation if ye give nothing up, and ye username and password are not the same, ye have nothing to worry about. Now go forth and plunder me hearties! Tis Christmas Time the time of miracles! YO-HO!
Also a heads up for anyone, if you are taking a screenshot of pirate selection screen make sure too either press F12 before taking a screenshot or bluring the username in the top left out in a editing program. People can get your username from these screenshots you post, and even giving out 1 part of your infomation is NEVER a good idea as Davy said above.

This is an exmaple for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about.

Using F12:
Aaaannnddd THIS is why I don't put down real info about myself, and make (annoyingly) hard passwords (to remember &) to guess, If someone says "hi whats ur name" I say "Bob, and you'reself?"

And so on and so on... Thanks for posting this so people with no common sense understand!!