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Honorable Pirate
I just had to post this because I think it applies to tlopo 100%. Devs just take as much time as you need because I know it will be worth it :)


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I just had to post this because I think it applies to tlopo 100%. Devs just take as much time as you need because I know it will be worth it :)
So True. Yet movies are 24 frame per seconds. Serious gamers need a lot higher frame rate. Are we there yet! No another two months to the go or more the better.
Thanks you for that screen shot
Regards Pinky Redscarelett
Yeah, always good if a game meets its deadlines but to release a buggy game to the public isn't good...
When one rushes through ones work, the work will never be substantial. The work will be incredibly shady, and will not be in the standards you expect it to be in.

When one thinks through ones work, however, no matter how you interpret the work, it will always be to par, and most times, over par.

One must think before one acts.
I heard Sticker Star isn't all that bad. Plus, Nintendo's taking their time with Breath of the Wild and we can all agree it looks fantastic so far.
Where did you hear that from? Everyone I know that has played it does not like it whatsoever, but they do admit it had potential. And I'm not a Zelda person at all, so I can't have an opinion on that :p
Where did you hear that from? Everyone I know that has played it does not like it whatsoever, but they do admit it had potential. And I'm not a Zelda person at all, so I can't have an opinion on that :p
I'm not too big into Zelda and I'm excited for it, so that might say a lot about the game. I really haven't read too much on Color Splash, but from what I heard, I've seen it getting 6-7/10 average.
Not trying to start a another remake discussion here, but by me writing this I'm obviously starting one, a good example of a rushed game within potcos community is another remake, although they had said they were planning on full release september 19th, apparently now it's alpha, but why even open up an alpha that is that buggy lol? Another example you will see in the upcoming days for you to see, is a game that wasn't rushed (Tlopo ), which one is better??? I'm going for the one that's not buggy! :) I wouldn't be posting this unless I wanted to share with you my freedom to share an opinion.
Not trying to start a another remake discussion here, but by me writing this I'm obviously starting one, a good example of a rushed game within potcos community is another remake, although they had said they were planning on full release september 19th, apparently now it's alpha, but why even open up an alpha that is that buggy lol? Another example you will see in the upcoming days for you to see, is a game that wasn't rushed (Tlopo ), which one is better??? I'm going for the one that's not buggy! :) I wouldn't be posting this unless I wanted to share with you my freedom to share an opinion.
Of course and I completely agree. It's 100% worth the wait. Even though the wait is agonizing at times....
Mother 3 took 9 nines years to make, and the first version from 199x was scrapped completley, while three Kirby games were cancelled over the span off around 11 years, becoming Kirby's Air Ride.

both of those were great games.