Signatures, and more!

Jim Hexskull

Wiki Staff
Hello everyone! Soon I plan on enrolling in college for Computer Science, and one of my classes will be graphic design. Thus, in an effort to help me improve my graphic design and editing skills, I'm offering a free artwork service to the forums! I'll make anything you want, whether it be a signature, wallpaper, Profile picture, whatever you'd like. Just simply message me with the following details, and I'll get on it ASAP.

1. Text info: font, color, size, placement.
2. Good quality image of whatever you want in the picture. If it's a pirate, a screenshot will do, I can crop them out.
3. A preferred background image, if not I have images pre-made, and can make more upon request.
4. A general idea on what you'd like.

NOTE: All Signatures will be defaulted to 640x220 as to best comply with the forums signature policy.
You can view my ever-growing portfolio here.