Sinking enemy ships


Sea Legs
Im fairly new to the game so bear with me...

Is there any way to stop the enemy ships being held for 5 minutes when you take them down to 0hp? Its taking me ages to gather bits for a quest.

Or do I just need to hit them with my cannons?
Im fairly new to the game so bear with me...

Is there any way to stop the enemy ships being held for 5 minutes when you take them down to 0hp? Its taking me ages to gather bits for a quest.

Or do I just need to hit them with my cannons?

You're attacking Flagships. If you see a flag icon above them, that means when you down them to 0hp they will not sink immediately. Instead, they will stop all actions and you should see some green rings appear on the side of the ship. This means you can shoot that spot with a Grappling hook. Once you have grappled a flagship, it will pull towards your ship, and once it is next to yours it will ask you to board or parlay. If you click parlay, it will sink immediately. If you board, well, you'll board it - and you'll have to fight the enemy crew on foot!

Normal ships will sink the moment you drop them to 0hp.