Suggestion some non beta thoughts


Pirate Lord
Couple of things bugging me totally about the game play and not beta stuff.
One: I appreciate the devs wizardry working with the animations of the pirates, but anyone ever notice the throwing of the grenade by a right handed pirate is totally unrealistic?

When throwing right handed, you step forward with your left and your right foot hardly follows through. Playing soft catch, you wouldn't even lift the right foot.
In game, the pirate rears back on his right foot then steps forward with his/her right foot. Very difficult in real life.
Go ahead, go out in the living room and throw a sponge at the tv right or left handed and see what leg you actually step out on. Now try it like a tlopo pirate and be prepared to fall on your face or into your dogs food dish. Totally, completely inconsequential to game play, has zero impact on grenade chucking, yet, I feel totally embarrassed in front of the Twins, Drench and Drizzle and I know when they are laughing and shaking their heads it's at my total lack of athletics in throwing bombs. My only revenge is when they expire.

Could a dev, with absolutely nothing else to do with their time look at this travesty?

And two: More serious request. I don't see any way for my pirate to look around at surroundings while moving.
All mmo's allow this in some way. The exact same feature is while we are sailing and can press right mouse button and look side to side for ships and stuff. Could this feature somehow be programmed in? Or is there some keystroke I don't know about that already does this. This is the same for windows or mac.

Thanks so much for reading.
I have never noticed the foot work with grenades, but, I think your second suggestion is something a lot of people would love to see. Myself included. The code is already in the game, because if you put your weapon away and stand still you have a free camera to move around your character. Somehow, if they could maybe replace the keybind to your left mouse button as your running. I think it would be really nice. Great suggestion. I hope they add it one day.
I have never noticed the foot work with grenades, but, I think your second suggestion is something a lot of people would love to see. Myself included. The code is already in the game, because if you put your weapon away and stand still you have a free camera to move around your character. Somehow, if they could maybe replace the keybind to your left mouse button as your running. I think it would be really nice. Great suggestion. I hope they add it one day.
Ah, that's correct, also when in the actually motion of attack, be it sword, grenade whatever, you are not allowed to adjust your aim in most cases. Once I begin the grenade for example, I can't seem to change direction at all. That would be very handy.
In addition on the same theme, like the selling of items, the code for an instant placement of the item appears to be present as you can one click an item OUT of the sellers screen back to your inventory. I very much wish that could be both ways.

It's bad enough leaving a fight to sell and clear inventory, but to take over 5 minutes to do so almost always ruins what you were attending to.
I don't really care if I'm just sailing around and such, but being in a boss mega group fight, it's very disruptive.

And yes, being in the middle of 30 people stabbing Palifico with .02 framerate slide show isn't exactly game immersive, but it is a grind routine and beta after all.
Instantly clicking items to sell has been a major annoyance for me since day one. Perhaps adding a Shift + Click option for faster inventory selling. And switching the 'drag to trash' method to turning your curser into a trash and just clicking the items.
Instantly clicking items to sell has been a major annoyance for me since day one. Perhaps adding a Shift + Click option for faster inventory selling. And switching the 'drag to trash' method to turning your curser into a trash and just clicking the items.
I like that trash idea. The quick item to square is clearly in the code. It's right there to return an item to your inventory FROM the sell screen.

On the trash, why not have a full 5x6 matrix squares box pop up when you click trash, an insta transfer with a left click on item, then you can look over that trash screen for mistakes and such and then hit trash again and poof. You can trash 30 items faster than doing todays trash with two items. And less clicking.

And back to the movement thing, freezing the pirate while the container screen is open also could be looked at. I'm capable of fighting while reading, so I'd like to be able to throw a poke while messing with the containers. An artificial non beta example is standing there in a mob grinding pali and the twins. While you are trying to see what's in the skull chest, you can miss out tagging the next three spawns because the open container window has you locked. I can't really figure out this feature.

I have to believe, some or all of these features where written in when the game was new and young kid friendly, where doing other things like looking at chests, porting or boarding wouldn't kill you like real life. None of these ideas were really considering the much older inventive short cut & grinding mentalities of today. Not many 11 year olds would think of dragging a boss across the map and rounding up bosses for grinding.
Or 60 ships in a cluster.

And looking at chests can get you killed in the real world.