Suggestion Stop "Teleporting"...



Well, not all teleporting, but some examples would be going into shops, bars, buildings, etc. These zones should be straight access, where you can just run in and out without needing to be "loaded" into the location in question. Each time you have to run in and out of one, it counts as 2 TPs, where only a limited number of TPs are possible before an inevitable crash.
The time it takes sometimes to get out of a bar is equivalent to logging into the game.
Creating proximity spheres for these areas would keep them semi-separate from the rest of the islands, but easier to access.
Keeping the caves, Fort Charles and the swamps, marshes and forests as they are is fine.
Also, perhaps several merchants, each with different items/wares for sale in the otherwise empty market areas of say Port Royal or Tortuga wuld also make life easier for those not wishing to TP into a store to purchase items.
I already use the peddlers and gypsies when selling my stuff, just to avoid going in and out of shops.
Finally, perhaps some sort of merchant or Gypsy in Kingshead and a few other places would be nice. The outer portions of Tormenta and Raven's Cove, etc.
Just a thought, as laziness is indeed the mother of invention...