Stormbeard's Signature Shop!


Pirate Apprentice

Just wanted you to know that if anyone wants a signature I gladly help you out. I work a lot with photoshop at school and I want to improve even more. Cause everytime I've been doing something in photoshop I've discovered/learned something new!

Here are my latest ones:



Just let me know in advance what to add into your signature.

What background would you like? What text would you like? Etc.
One can never be too specific! ;)

Credits to John Foulroberts for giving me this idea!
Hmm i used Paint, Microsoft Picture it, and photo bucket to transfer. I liked one of them, but it just kept getting distorted when i tried to resize it. I'm at school, so i can't look at it now, I'll look later when i get home have to go now. Thanks for asking, maybe mine will be easy to fix?