Recruiting The Outlanders / Brethren Court


Honorable Pirate
Hello everyone. My name is Squidgallows, and I am an Officer, Pirate Lord, and Second in Command for the Outlanders guild. We are the official keepers of the 9th Brethren Court (at least when it comes to roleplay) and we are looking to hire some new pirates to join us.

(The 5th Brethren Court from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End)

The Brethren Court is a collective of pirates who are sworn to protect the seas from anyone who seeks to dismantle piracy. Being as I am Second in Command, it is my duty to help oversee the court. Currently, we are having a bit of a problem; we are running low on pirates, while our enemies are growing rapidly.

Enemies to the Brethren Court include: Spain, Britain and the EITC. (While we are enemies in game, it is important to note that we must remain friendly to them outside of the game. ex. in discord)

So, what does a pirate do when his guild is running low on members? Simple, that's where you come in. It is my honor to officially invite anyone and everyone to join the Brethren Court. If you are interested, you may add me on discord: doveboyz#6829

Send me a message saying you are interested, and we'd love to bring you in.