The Tale of William DarkBeard

On a warm summer morning i awoke on my ship The Darkwater Seafarer.
With no crew aboard me ship so it was hard to get outta my bed when i looked overboard my ship
i saw nothin' ...... but a bunch of heapin' big navy ships. Next thing i knew, i was knocked down with
me ship on fire. Some navy mercenaries came aboard and grabbed me i fought back though they brought me aboard one of their ships they grappled and me own Darkwater Seafarer and towed her.
They knew i was the famous swashbuckler William DarkBeard They took me to jail and threw me in a cell i was tired so i fell asleep i awoke on a cool september morning. Jack Spawrow was next to me he greeted me and gave me some new garments and he kicked the cell door open and the guard was asleep. (Obviously, they always sleep on the job) So i exited the jail and met up with Will Turner he reminded me how to use me sword and gave me one. i went outside and was greeted by Bo Beck he let me aboard his ship Jolly Roger caught up with us he turned Beck into one of his own. He made me walk the plank. I swam to port royal and stole me Darkwater SeaFarer back. So that be me tale the tale of William DarkBeard Be wise mates be wiser than i was that warm summer morning.

It be a true tale as true as jolly roger himself