The Thread Of Doom: When Do You Leave Your Guild?

Mary Mcrackham

Sea Legs
Ok, I'm not looking to leave my guild, but all of us have left guilds before. What were your criteria for leaving? Was leaving brutal? Was it ok? Did you land in a better guild?
well all guilds that ive left were either failing or inacitive only one guild that i left was brutal it was dark warlordz i really didnt want to leave but the guild was failing. i guess i landed in a better guild but if u compare both guilds to the not failing days there not the same at all
Leaving a guild is very personal to me. So personal that it hurts my own feeling, crazy isn't it? But it's true. I'm not a guild hopper, and if I leave a guild, there must be a VERY good reason for it, because I stay in each guild quite a long time. Unfortunately I have had to do it several times (these applied to multiple pirates of mine).

These were the reasons why I left my guilds:
1. My gm left the guild - my first guild ever, and I found myself and other guild members being abandoned. It was a horrible feeling; being left behind like that, even though my gm had a good reason to join his friend's guild. I ended up being in my first home with one of my best friends (he made a new guild after he left the same guild).
2. My best friend who was the gm got tired being a gm - and this was just one month before they had the new ability for a gm to transfer a gm position. He asked me to leave with him, and he hardly plays anymore, so left my first home heartbrokenly. I ended up in a great guild which is my home now.
3. My guild didn't have many activities anymore, nobody talked, like a dead guild. My gm made another guild, and I decided to join his new guild.

I 'almost' left 2 of my guilds. The transition time is the hardest time for me; adjusting to new environment, new friends, new style (each guild has its own unique style). If I were a guild hopper, I would've hopped away. But when I felt the urge to leave, I usually would not entertain that feeling right away. I would put that pirate to rest for a few weeks, and I played my other pirates. Then after a lot of thinking, I'd come back and check in those guilds again, to see if my feeling had not changed. At both times, I eventually decided to stay. It just needed some time to get used to.
I've never been a guild hopper either reasons for leaving a guild would boil down to a variety of things. For starters before joining a new guild I first try to find out what that guild and the people in it are like by hanging out with them. Reasons for leaving would be if the guild becomes inactive or is unfriendly,"no communication in guild chat" Guild becomes involved in activities I don't approve of, such as stirring up trouble and drama with other players and guilds etc... Random guild members teleporting to me uninvited disrupting my game play. This is why I prefer adult guilds I don't log in to become a babysitter for someone elses kids. Lack of activity within the guild aka dead guild syndrome.
I've left many guilds and I have my reasons why ( but I'm no guild hopper).Like Red Nations said,I to try to find out what the guild and people in it are like.My reasons for leaving would be if nobody ever comes online anymore,the start falling apart and start becoming rude or gm left and guild started falling apart,and other ones...
I usually find a better guild but sometimes this ^ happens
so then I usually stay guildless until I find a good guild that hopefully ^ this won't happen in that guild
i believe the forums is the best place to find the right guild for anyone. morgan kid has never left a guild. he was a saavy pirate from the get go. he knew their were only 3 guilds that he would join. the first one he tried to join turned him down flat. at level 19 he got into spania and never looked back. i wish we could all be so lucky. so mary, their is a guild out there for you, just surf the forums and you will find it.:ahoy:
I left many, many guilds on my main pirate. I started out in a guild known as Bukanerz. The GM was, LITERALLY a 5 year old kid. Note the bad spelling. I joined it as a lv 3, and stayed until lv 5. Did not like it. I stayed guildless until about lv 25, and joined the guild Plant A Kittehs. We only had about 23 members, but everyone was happy. Loved that guild more than almost any other guild I have been in, because it was a guild of kitten-loving people. I stayed until lv 38, but had to leave because the GM had been diagnosed with Cancer and had to leave the game. When Kitten May, the GM, left, it went downhill FAST. Everyone knew the game would never be the same without her happy personality. Everywhere she would go a group of happy people would be with her. Sadly, though, everyone left the guild over a period of 2 months. I was left alone. I left the guild after 37 failed attempts at bringing it back. I joined Dark and Sweet, but didn't feel welcomed so I left. I got into SvS at lv 39, and met a group of great privateers known as Wolf Fleet Privateers. They were all lv 50, and all of them had a war frigate with Wolf in the name. The GM was named Fire Eye Alpha. She was a great person. Her ship name was Black Wolf, and the rest of them were known as Green Wolf, White Wolf (CO-GM), Scarlet Wolf, Red Wolf, and Crimson Wolf. I joined it, but it was not my style so I left. I stayed guildless, joined Masters in Swords, and left after it went dead. Joined many others as I guild hopped, but, after a while I joined Spania. I have no plans for leaving and probably won't unless I most certainly HAVE to.

Just search around and maybe one day you will find an AMAZING guild! You may leave some you love, but, if you really want to, you will find one you will never leave.
ahoy mary. it is good your giving this alot thought and not just quiting your guild on a wim. if your guild is not active that would be a good reason to look for greener pastures. the GM dumped the first guild i was in and started a new one. all my friends left the old guild and joined the new one. i followed them to the new one, but left it a bit later because of a bad apple in the guild that the GM would do nothing about. their was nothing brutal about it, just a click and i was gone. i still have alot of them on my friends list and get a hello from them time to time. i also get asked to rejoin now and then, but found a great new guild and have no desire leave having found tons of new friends in it. i would say always stay with your guild if you can, but if it's time to leave, just do it.:flag:
The guilds I have left in the past are ones that pretty much fell apart. Sometimes it was just that the guildmaster left, but other times drama just destroyed things. Are those the main causes for most folks?
The guilds I have left in the past are ones that pretty much fell apart. Sometimes it was just that the guildmaster left, but other times drama just destroyed things. Are those the main causes for most folks?

Well, not always, at least not in my case. I've seen a really bad drama in one of my guilds, the case where one person stirred up things against the gm and when she left, about twenty something ppl left with her (she made another guild). And those were my friends who were the core, the talkers and the active participants of the guild. I chose to stay and tried my best to talk things out with them and tried to ask them to come back (I'm a firm believer of communication). Things had never been the same after that, and I withstood the drama and stayed behind to keep the guild together. It's not always working like that, and this was one of the sad things that happened because of misunderstanding.
Drama is something that can destroy a guild very quickly one of my favorite guilds Rated Argh! was ruined by drama and that guild no longer exists.
i was a guild hopper from day one. but i have stopped. i just would get bored with these people. but i have settled down in the Elite Theivery Co.
I usually leave when there is not much conversation. If I don't get any welcomes I generally don't think there is much conversation... I also leave if the guild becomes inactive...
I left many guilds before on my main pirate, but that was because of inactivity or drama. Or in one case mutiny against the GM. When I got to level 40 I joined Inferno and left. I have since been in many guilds such as. Black Bart's Krewe, Guardians, Elite Thievery Co., Piracy's Finest, Emerald Sea Gang, Elite Dragon Squad, Mickey's Mafia, Drako Clan and now I am GM of a guild called Touch of Insanity.
I left a guild long ago because after the gm asked me to pvp and I beat him a few times in a row he started to be rude to me all the time. This was back when lvl 40 was the top and you couldn't change your skill points. I left the guild and eventually deleted the pirate. I'm not too big on pvp'ing friends or guild mates now, and I'm probably not very good at it anymore anyway.
Hmm...... I leave when there's, drama, bad guild, my best friend or brother leaves a guild I'm in, or I had a really big fight with someone in guild!