Touch Of Insanity

Jim Hexskull

Wiki Staff
Have a Touch of Insanity in Ye? Or are you just looking for a new guild. Well look no further than Touch of Insanity! We do PvP, SvS, QAR, Invasions, and much more! You will be made a Veteran Immediately upon joining though becoming an Officer will take time. You will receive help when you need it! So what are you waiting for? Come find my pirate Jim Hexskull on Tortuga on the server Abassa, or PM me for an invitation code! I hope to see you in my Guild!
Dear Pirates Forums,
My guild Touch of Insanity is once again recruiting. We had to clean out the guild, meaning get rid of everyone that did not meet our criteria. If you would like to join these are our rules:


If Ye would like to join us then go to our website here! Send in your application we will review it and Get back to you. But before you send the application please send me a message on the forums telling my your pirate's Name, Notoriety Level, and What guild you are coming from. We would love to take anyone who wants to join and hope to see you in the game real soon! Until next time my friends.
Jim Hexskull GM of Touch of Insanity

Sorry about the Words being so small on the picture I tried to re-size it, but my picture editing program was messing up. If you can't read it please send me a message and I will tell you our rules.
Ok so I am Guildmaster of a guild called Touch of Insanity. If you would like to join us here are a few things you should know first.
1. Be Nice and Respectful.- Use the Golden rule. (Do Unto others as you would have them do Unto you.
2. Help out when you can.- Scratch my back I scratch yours.
3. Ask before you Teleport.- You might end up in a place you don't want to be.
4. Talk in the guild chat- Get to know your fellow guildmates
5. NO Drama or fighting- We are here to have fun.\
6. Refrain From using Caps- It's like yelling and their is no need to yell.
Some things you should know!
If you get knocked out please simply type SOS in Guild chat and we will help. (Just don't abuse it or use it during invasion)
Do Not Ask for a promotion. You will be promoted when I and the officers think you are ready. Or if you are the right level. (Veteran=Lvl 20, Officer=Lvl40)
If your an Officer Do NOT Boot anyone without my or the Co GM's permission.
If you invite someone make sure that they agree to all of our rules first.

We hope to see you soon in the game and we hope to see you in our guild! If you would like to join and Understand all of this then please send your pirates name and Notoriety level and the guild your coming from to me in a message. I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Fair Winds to Ye all!