Suggestion Treasure items, make them worth something?

I was running around looting/leveling, noticed getting a odd and end treasure item with a value of 100. I decided to run to a store and try to sell the items I had in the treasure tab. Huh it doesn’t sell, so I looked around on the web and there was no way to get credit for getting these treasures. What about creating a reward that either once you get all of say the odds and ends treasure, you get X amount of gold and those treasures disappear. Or the gold you get is per item based, the value could be the gold you get.
It is my understanding you do (or should), receive the gold for what the item is worth. It is automatically sold, in a sense. The treasure tab just records what you have found for those who like collecting.
I was running around looting/leveling, noticed getting a odd and end treasure item with a value of 100. I decided to run to a store and try to sell the items I had in the treasure tab. Huh it doesn’t sell, so I looked around on the web and there was no way to get credit for getting these treasures. What about creating a reward that either once you get all of say the odds and ends treasure, you get X amount of gold and those treasures disappear. Or the gold you get is per item based, the value could be the gold you get.
you immediately receive the gold that the treasure is worth. If you watch the notification on the side it will display the treasure with the value then you will get another pop up with the value in gold