Tribute to Achilles

Kate Goldwalker

Fairy Tail Girl
As many of you know, I had requested screenshots of Achilles. A few weeks back, Dread Poet Roberts delivered "Achilles (in Honorarium)" during Pirate Story Night in Barbossa's Grotto. His tribute inspired me to make a video of screenshots along with "Achilles (in Honorarium)" to pay tribute to the greatest pirate that I've ever known.

After several weeks of gathering the material fro the video, it has been completed.

Thank you to everyone involved in helping me with this from the admins here and at the Castle to Dread and finally all those who allowed me to use their screenshots.

My greatest hope for this video it that Achilles will understand the impact that he has had on all of us in Pirates and in the communities.

To Achilles!!

Wow! That's the first time I've ever seen my words set to video like that. I am honored that you used my words as you did. It turned out far better than my wildest expectations. Thank you.

Of course, the words meant nothing, if not for the stalwart icon Achilles who inspired us all.

As I said in the video, Dread, you inspired me to create this with the words that you compsed that night in Barbossa's Grotto. I knew after hearing your tribute that all of us there in that room, or most of us, had been impacted by Achilles in some way or another. At that moment, it just felt that the making of this video was something that I needed to do.

Its sad for me to say, but I think the only screenshots that I ever took myself of Achilles was from test and on my oldest computer. At one point I had to remove test so that it could function some what. I will never know if they were there or not... And now I'm only left with a vague memory of meething him.

Achilles was, to me, the greatest pirate and someone who I could only hope to be like. He was not only a good player of Pirates Online, but he was extremely kind and personable. He, I guess you could say, was like a father and mentor to all of us pirates who were trying to understand and learn the ways of the Caribbean. He followed the code like no other... that is something that I try to impress upon my own guild, Brethren of Lore. Because of Achilles, I dont view Pirates Online as a game... I see it as a community of brethren, and I hope to impress the importance of the code and the brotherhood of pirates upon the next generation to come. If we can do this, then we shall sail our beloved Caribbean for many years.

Ty, Dread, for you kind words. I am honored that so many like this tribute, but I can't take all of the credit. You, Dread, deserve some, too. Achilles, though, deserves the most, for being the greatest pirate to ever sail our seas and being so loved the way that he is. To you, Achilles, I say thank you. Thank you for being you. :drink:
I didn't know Achilles that well, but I have a lot of respect to him as a leader. That was a nice video, Kate! And I second what Leo said ... being so involved as he did with the Potco community, I sure hope that he would consider not to close that part of his life with Potco permanently. I understand that he would want to move on, and just like everything else in life, there is time for all of us to move on from one thing to another, and we would know it when it's time. But it does not necessarily mean something that we need to turn away from permanently. Every now a then, a visit from Achilles to check on our community would be greatly appreciated.

Sir Achilles, if you ever see this thread, please update us with how you are doing and we look forward to welcoming your visit or come back! :)