Upgrade Spotlight: Storm Chaser! (05/03/12)

Bart Gunshot

Site Founder
Thunder into battle with the striking Storm Chaser!​
Enemy hulls shudder under the fury of the storm from this Level 4 upgrade’s special thunderbolt attack.​
Stick to Streamline upgrades to achieve a Storm Chaser ship.Enemies will need to chase you with the Storm’s lightning-quick speed.​
Electrify your booming Thunderbolt attack to even deadlier levels:
The Storm Chaser’s Level 5 upgrade boosts her special broadside by +30%,​
and Level 6 zaps other ships with a +45% boost!​
Seek fabric materials for this blue beauty, plundered by sinking Bounty Hunters and enemy Warships.​
Bounty Hunters can carry regular materials such as canvas, while Warships can carry any material including rare silk.​
You must sink Bounty Hunters that are specifically targeting your ship for the chance to plunder their materials.
NOTE: Ship upgrades cannot be combined as you move from one upgrade path to another path. Your ship’s current attributes will change if you choose to downgrade to a previous step in the upgrade path.​
Visit your local Shipwright to wield the fury of the Storm Chaser today!
Upgrade to Unlimited Access
to fully upgrade your Medium Class and War Class ships!
Thunder into battle with the striking Storm Chaser!​
Enemy hulls shudder under the fury of the storm from this Level 4 upgrade’s special thunderbolt attack.​
Stick to Streamline upgrades to achieve a Storm Chaser ship.Enemies will need to chase you with the Storm’s lightning-quick speed.​
Electrify your booming Thunderbolt attack to even deadlier levels:
The Storm Chaser’s Level 5 upgrade boosts her special broadside by +30%,​
and Level 6 zaps other ships with a +45% boost!​
Seek fabric materials for this blue beauty, plundered by sinking Bounty Hunters and enemy Warships.​
Bounty Hunters can carry regular materials such as canvas, while Warships can carry any material including rare silk.​
You must sink Bounty Hunters that are specifically targeting your ship for the chance to plunder their materials.
NOTE: Ship upgrades cannot be combined as you move from one upgrade path to another path. Your ship’s current attributes will change if you choose to downgrade to a previous step in the upgrade path.​
Visit your local Shipwright to wield the fury of the Storm Chaser today!
Upgrade to Unlimited Access
to fully upgrade your Medium Class and War Class ships!
What does this update do anyways just show pretty pictures on the site and that's it...