was wondering ...

A person's age is personal information. If JDP wishes to divulge his age, that is his choice. If you want that information, you should be asking him directly, not the community.

This is a gaming world. Please remember to respect everyone's privacy. Also, I strongly recommend not believing everything you hear, unless it comes from the direct source.
i saw a vid so i was just asking

I saw the vid you speak of and as Cheysea said "I strongly recommend not believing everything you hear". Right now, the claims presented in the video are little more than accusations with a handful of what is alleged proof (I.E Screenshots).
Whatever his age, he is definitely still in his teenage years. However, I personally think age is a horrible argument to base anything off of, sure people of a younger age will generally be less mature. However, some younger people will have no lack of maturity or sense. It just simply comes down to personality, which includes: maturity, sense, integrity, etc. You judge for yourself the personality of JDP. Is he honest? Is he mature? Is he sensible?

My answer would be censored, but in the end they are your questions to answer.

Also questions to ask of other people. Namely the video creators.
Whatever his age, he is definitely still in his teenage years. However, I personally think age is a horrible argument to base anything off of, sure people of a younger age will generally be less mature. However, some younger people will have no lack of maturity or sense. It just simply comes down to personality, which includes: maturity, sense, integrity, etc. You judge for yourself the personality of JDP. Is he honest? Is he mature? Is he sensible?

My answer would be censored, but in the end they are your questions to answer.

Also questions to ask of other people. Namely the video creators.
Everyone should have an open mind about everyone and listen and decide for yourself. There is no black or white, just a lot of grey.