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Do you think it's coming?

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Nate Macgull

Notorious Pirate
New Island coming soon
I don't think there is big big chance of them adding this.... Sometimes they just put random stuff in the phase files & don't do anything with it.... Btw whats the point of that? Are the designers that bored?
If they add this I might actually PvP... It kinda looks like Kingshead/Fort Charles/Dundee with the towers and ramps and stuff.
Maybe they're working on alot of things to add in? Never know, they could have hired better workers... Doubt they did but it's a possibility.
A long time ago there was like a week like this but it was on the Spanish and Frensh islands and it was on land. Dont think im crazy because i can remember it!
I remember that! It was something to see and I thought then that the best thing for PVP would be to have a certain place/server for it. Of course I also thought then that we should be able to fight eachother on land for the whole SVS thing or board eachother's ship. Would be fun but cause too many more bugs, lol.

The island sort of looks like Kingshead, but not quite...
fo pvp it needs to be more like halo and call of duty with things like ducking, laying flat not showing up on the compass with huge places that you vote on also they need new pvp places and pvp only stuff like a pvp ring that gives 500 more health in pvp so for new places it should have lots of places to hide and snipe guys. and with all kinds of cool stuff that happens like you can ram a barrel on a dudes head or shoot a cask of gunpowder and it explodes.