what is your favorite looting area?

what is your favorite looting area?

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I personally enjoy the Thrall Captain/Urchinfist hall for reputation while I go to the Treasure Room for loot.
Darkhart, definitely. But then again, I don't loot that much ... if leveling up by 'religiously' staying in one place can be considered "looting", then yes, Darkhart and also Tormenta (scattered area, not necessarily Gold or thrall rooms).
well I think I could offer a savvy opinion in this topic, I run laps in Tormenta and Blunderbuss the bejeebers out of the South Idol ghosts sometimes sieging them to smithereens try and hit as many servers as possible, if I'm looting Tormenta and don't have maxed gold or close I set a gold goal and don't leave til I have met it if I do have maxed gold I simply set a goal and meet it be creative when you loot, it can't hurt! That usually gets me good loot, gold, and well you've seen my results, if I'm looting Mines I go to South Idol give about 10 minutes to test the waters to see if it's dropping, skull drop rate, loot quality et cetera et cetera but if it is I'll stick around longer to drain the server, (not to spite others) just using it to its fullest and leaving. I usually hit a few key servers daily and this is doin' y'all a real favor Angama, Antama, and Cortola, there I gave up my secret servers please don't overrun me!!! Best of luck to all ye looters out there and may yer pirate adventures be filled with great bounty!!!