What makes a guild a "Top Guild"?

Meg Burnwash

Im not sure what a "Top Guild" is, because I have heard a lot of talk of the top guilds but they all seem to be a little different. I Am wondering what characteristics make a guild a top guild? Is it the amount of members it has? or the Funniest and most fun? or is every guild a top guild?...
I kinda thought that a Top Guild was one that is on the top spots on the leaderboard or just a famous guild... but I'm not positive.
I guess there really isn't anything to classify "top guilds" under. They're all different. Some, are big with alot of active players, others are smaller but compete in hosted events through-out the Caribbean.

IMO the leaderboards don't really mean anything. I know its cool to see your guild on the leaderboards, but thats not really what makes them special. It's the people & the way they help their guildies. The manner in which they speak to each other.

They stand out by being different. Not by being a large guild, even though sometimes that helps. :)
I see the top guilds as the most well known through out the game. Like guilds that attend all the events and such that gets their name known to alot of people. Then when people starrt to think of a guild they think of one they see alot of :) But pretty much what Anne said :p
top guilds are genrally catagorized as - funnest - best pvp guild - best RP guild - Best Ranking guilds - normally these guilds have quite a few people in them except the pvp ones ocsionally
top guilds have great GM's and great members, a fun place to be and are known to most that have be around for awhile. most top guilds are seen on the boards because they do things as a group. a ship load of guildies having fun looting at sea will be on the boards every time. as miss anne said, it doesn't have to be a mega guild, just active with polite and careing pirates.:confused:
I think that a top guild has rly nice ppl, has active members and is well known to many pirates in the game. I think that being on the leaderboards is also a component of being a top guild :D