What's actually been going on with this project?

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Last time i checked up on this whole project, there was a lot of.... drama? idk the word i'm really looking for, but anyways, i just want to know what's happened in last few months. I'm really hoping i can get some answers. Last time I remember checking up was when there was some weird monkey forum or something? does anyone know what i'm talking about? Edit: unless this is a different project from the one i remember. 2nd edit: If a mod sees this, could you move it to a different section or something? I think i have this where people introduce themselves, which is not where this should be i'm fairly certain. Idk even know what section this should be in
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First of all, thank you for replying :) but, i was more asking what happened before this point, if that makes any sense. i get the feeling that things are going well and have been going well, but i'm more trying to see if this is the same project as i remember or a different one, and if it is the same one, what happened. Hopefully i make sense :/ (would the irc answer this?)
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