Whats the quickest way to get gold?

Bard Jusik

Hi there! I am only a level 14 right now and just wondering what the quickest way to get gold is. I will shamelessly admit that I am minmaxing my sailing, already at 11, to get the war brig. I only have about 6k gold though. So I am curious as to where everyone else is going to get gold quickly. Do yall fish? Is there a better place to sail? I try to take down level 40 death omens and EITC Ogres.
Blackjack is the quickest way to earn gold, with high returns and card swapping that can land you enough to buy a War Brig in a day. Poker is also a good option, although it requires a bit more skill and often has lower return rates.

Sailing loot usually gives a nice amount of gold, and if you're not in the sailing mood, hop aboard a ship with a crew and level up your cannons as well! This is my main method of earning moolah for those beautiful ships.

Fishing is also lucrative once you get the hang of it. I don't fish, but I know a few people who can get 10k gold in an hour or two.

This wikia guide may be of use to you: http://piratesonline.wikia.com/wiki/Game_Tips:_Earn_Gold_Quickly
100 percent poker/blackjack. Poker you basically can win every single time with cheat cards and have a higher pot. Poker rules aren't hard, just look them up.