Wind Direction


Sea Legs
-Add wind direction and increase speed of ship based on the way the ship is facing. I'm not not saying to make the ship stop if its going into the wind like it would in real life just a boost when your going down wind or a decrease in speed when going up wind.

-The ability to set different sail speeds so your not coming to a full stop or full sail the entire time you can see this in games like empire total war.
I enjoy the simplicity of TLOPO's sailing system and this would needlessly complicate it.
I wouldn't say needlessly as as far as the speed goes it would add a little to the immersion of the game even if it was only by 1-2 knots. Its is also rather annoying having just a stop and go if there was one more. "The ability to set different sail speeds so your not coming to a full stop or full sail the entire time you can see this in games like empire total war." seems like a must have if not just one more speed so it goes stop, slow, and full sail rather then just stop, and full sail.
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