You know you fail at potions when....

Constance O'hara

Pirate Lord

what i try to do is keep the colors together. so say whatever you start with take it all the way to the right. The red blue and green line them up and whatever you used as the first color make that the 4th from the left spot. so say these are the right 4 spots Blue Green Red Blue. after doing this you now have a bit of order going on. after that now you need spots so that each color has a bone shard, magma, or treasure attached to it. since you have already ordered your right 4 your blue has a bone shard spot right nest to it in the 5th spot. the 6th spot can then be red or green, the 7th bone shard, 8th is either red or green depending on what you did for the 6th spot... sounds complicated but read it and do it as there is no time limit in potions youll start to see what i mean.

Another point is that the red or green or blue however you ordered it in the 6th spot is almost like a double agent if it has a bone shar, treasure or magma attached to it you can pile it into the 5th or 7th spots depending on which is closest to your target ingredient
I have huge troubles with potions. I'm fine when there's only 3 colors, but 4 messes me up.

I want that bonus Voodoo staff on the Raven's Cove quest, but 2 of my pirates have given up. I'm working on a third now, and trying to do at least 30 minutes of potions each session, to try and get it leveled up for that staff, when the time comes.
Yeah, I think most people think potions are hard because they don't level them in the right place. Port Royal is best for leveling since you only have 3 ingredients, so you pretty much have a fail-proof way of making the Swift Foot or Clap-O-Thunder. I usually make my columns Green, Blue, Blue, Blue, Red, Red, Green, Green; however if Red or Green is the most-needed in a certain potion, I swap its place with Blue. For pretty much any situation, the most-needed ingredient goes wherever "Blue" is, the second-most goes where the Red is, and the least-used goes where the green is.

For 4 ingredients, I usually have as follows: Green, Blue, "Special", Red, Green, "Special", "Special", Blue. They pile up a bit and are a bit harder with 4 ingredients, but if you know the mechanics of the game (how ingredients group and where they land after they group) then doubles won't trouble you too much.

I'll post a few more tips in a second..
Potions are such a drag.. I'm so glad i got them over with. Took days of torture to finally fully master them and my pirate completely

Agreed 110%. I shudder just to think about it ... That will be my last thing to master. And Idc if I haven't mastered potion yet when I hit 50. I have applied the tricks you all suggested up there, color-categorizing and putting the most requested ingredients side by side in the middle, in two stacks/columns ... it still doesn't make potion-making any easier for me. Such a DRAG, you just gave the perfect terminology to describe it, Blackbeard! :eek:
Potions are such a drag.. I'm so glad i got them over with. Took days of torture to finally fully master them and my pirate completely
i agree but u stole my word -_- first they steal my ship design and now this -sigh- when will ppl stop stealing stuff from me
I have huge troubles with potions. I'm fine when there's only 3 colors, but 4 messes me up.

I want that bonus Voodoo staff on the Raven's Cove quest, but 2 of my pirates have given up. I'm working on a third now, and trying to do at least 30 minutes of potions each session, to try and get it leveled up for that staff, when the time comes.
XD i saw the lvl u needed for that staff and was just like ok forget that no staff is worth that much trouble
I have huge troubles with potions. I'm fine when there's only 3 colors, but 4 messes me up.

I want that bonus Voodoo staff on the Raven's Cove quest, but 2 of my pirates have given up. I'm working on a third now, and trying to do at least 30 minutes of potions each session, to try and get it leveled up for that staff, when the time comes.
just keep them all in a group.. and u win without filling up a quarter of the board