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  • Hey Leo! Would you mind telling me what website that launches your signature? I've been waiting on Will to upload other signatures but he's probably busy. Davy gave me the imageshack.us (and that's also what Will uses) but it gave me 5 viruses when I opened it. It didn't do that to Davy. But I will not be able to use imageshack. I want to be able to give ppl their launcher web address. Thank you! :D
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    Reactions: LEO
    I owe you BIG TIME! Thank you so much for showing me that photobucket.com :D
    LoL Your welcome.
    If anyone is to owe anything it's me lol, You did such a great job on my signature and are still dong a great job with others. Good job me matey!
    Dang, the site once again kept me from leaving,
    Gnite all and good luck to game developers
    ♥♥ @-->-->--- ♥♥ Give This Rose To Everyone You Care About, Including Me ♥♥ Happy Valentine's Day!!! ♥♥
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    ♥♥ Give This Rose @};->-- To Everyone You Care About, Including Me (this the shy girl in adhy guild, hehe, the one driving him bananas, lol)
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    Reactions: LEO
    ohhhh, does he have some stories to tell, you just mention, Jade has some Screenshots hidden away for special occasions, hehe
    Screenshots? Just for ME?! now you got me curious... and for special occasion too
    Let me know when you come online, I need you to pose for me for your sig :). Tell me where I can meet you.
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    Reactions: LEO
    i meant 12: 30 lol in the US in NY, and i'm on POTCO as well
    Omg, LEO!!! I'm in eastern too ... and it's 12:30, not 1:30, silly ... :p
    Lets meet at Padres in Andoso by the dock, kinda close to the gun store?
    kk i'm there
    Ugh... Something came up, I tried to get on as soon as possible, but well, you see how that went. It's 8:06 right now, and I'm still logging on, by time I get there its going to be over. Good luck to everyone who made it on time. D:
    I'm terribly sorry.
    Tell me next time you SVS I want to find you and be your friend! Are you the guildmaster of Team SVS?
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    Reactions: LEO
    Alright mate. IDK if i'm gonna be able to play tonight but i'll tell you as soon as possible when i'm on. I'm not the gm of Team SvS but i'm an officer.
    DUDE! Your my SVS hero!!!!
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    Reactions: LEO
    Captian Fear
    Captian Fear
    Yeah but you are very active in the fourms and I love your SVS post. I have various methods i have heard and seen and thought you should have a look at them
    TY, just trying to help my fellow pirates by sharing SvS ideas and tips so it's more fun for everyone! And i'll take a look at your methods.
    Captian Fear
    Captian Fear
    Great! I posted my thoughts on a fourm SVS Help from a SVS Addict. Look at them and see what you think!
    If all you do is SVS, how did you master everything?
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    Reactions: LEO
    LOL, i mastered my pirate a year and a half ago. Also just because we svs doesn't mean we have a low level pirate and stuff. A lot of SvSers got 2 or more mastered pirates. Also being a high level can help you in some ways in svs.
    In my opinion leveling isn't that hard. I can master a pirate in a couple months if i tried to just level. When i was 40 and the level 50 with weapons 30 update came out. i mastered cannon and sailing in the first week and became 50 after one month into the update.
    The reason i svs is that i get bored from leveling since its repeat after repeat. In svs there is rarely any repeat because you never expect whats gonna happen next since you are fighting other actual players. It's also very competitive and i love competition among players.
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