Brethren Guild Alliance Raid Tonight - 9pm EST


Wiki Staff

The Brethren Guild Alliance is a collective of guilds that gather a few times a week for events as well as special monthly events for member guilds. Tonight and every Tuesday, the BGA hosts a Raid event on the Fragilles Server at 9pm. We gather at the Port Royal docks to ammo and tonic up before sailing to our target destination.


Tonight's Raid will take place on Isla Cangrejos as we do a little pre-Thanksgiving Crabbing. Plenty of the nasty crustaceans laying around, a couple of bosses or a bunch of French undead, if that's your taste.

If attending events with a mixture of pirates from guilds across the Caribbe appeals, feel free to pop by. The BGA is open to considering new member guilds.
BGA Cangrejos.jpg

Wow! A great turn out tonight! Ol' Jolly had to start an invasion just before we got underway but we made short order out of those boneheads.

By the time we were storming across Cangrejos we were nearly 20 strong and more coming! A wondrous night! Many glows, many skull chests... and lots and lots of angry crabs.

Thanks to all who came!
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