DELAYED! ~ POTC 5 "Dead Men Tell, No Tales"


Shamus The Brute :sad1:

Ah, so there are more pieces to the puzzle...Were we sunk by the Lone Ranger?

"The Lone Ranger. It is looking like Disney will be taking a $190 million write down for this film. It could be this loss is causing Disney to re-evaluate the team behind both The Lone Ranger and Pirates franchises."
They're afraid that they're going to screw themselves over and as sad as I am to hear it is delayed, this may leave some room for it to be at least as good as OST and possibly better, but we can't tell for a few years for now.
I have been following this news too. I have been silently wondering that perhaps the management at Disney has deemed the pirate Genre to be too mature for its audience. There is a big push to be a "family" entertainment group and to be sure to shy away from products that violate some unspoken standards. This is pure speculation mind you. I have been thinking this because the decision to shutter our beloved game makes so little sense to me. The Disney team has such a strong brand and connection to Pirates, they should have dominated this market. If they had only paid attention to it and nurtured this game a little more. Perhaps the graphics might have been an issue as some have said but not for me. I play on the highest level and they are sharp and clear, couple with my real world memories of the carribean and I can feel the sand, smell the salt air and hear the waves breaking on the beach. Now the news that the movie is being delayed. Again, money does not seem to be the issue as this movie franchise is one of the all time blockbusters. So I have to wonder, what is not being said and why...
I have been following this news too. I have been silently wondering that perhaps the management at Disney has deemed the pirate Genre to be too mature for its audience. There is a big push to be a "family" entertainment group and to be sure to shy away from products that violate some unspoken standards. This is pure speculation mind you. I have been thinking this because the decision to shutter our beloved game makes so little sense to me. The Disney team has such a strong brand and connection to Pirates, they should have dominated this market. If they had only paid attention to it and nurtured this game a little more. Perhaps the graphics might have been an issue as some have said but not for me. I play on the highest level and they are sharp and clear, couple with my real world memories of the carribean and I can feel the sand, smell the salt air and hear the waves breaking on the beach. Now the news that the movie is being delayed. Again, money does not seem to be the issue as this movie franchise is one of the all time blockbusters. So I have to wonder, what is not being said and why...

They shut us out more so because they want to be able to compete in the global market of Gaming which will actually be a big slap in the face to them, little do they realize. The Gaming community is without a doubt made up mostly of teenagers, a demographic group you can not ignore. More than anything else, I don't know many people of this age that actually like Disney anything, sure a large portion of us do here, but in the World it's much different when you have Diablo III and Disney Infinity.

As for the family orientation I personally think that they are hoping to let the average kid (5-11?) be able to pop in a movie in their DVD Player and watch it without a PG-13 sort of violence. I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing this, but it is not the right thing to do and something you can not do when you own 2 Franchises that are naturally PG-13 bottom line (Star Wars and POTC).

I hope they don't screw us over and make it PG because I will tell you if it is PG, that is when Disney lost money.
...There is a big push to be a "family" entertainment group and to be sure to shy away from products that violate some unspoken standards. This is pure speculation mind you. I have been thinking this because the decision to shutter our beloved game makes so little sense to me. The Disney team has such a strong brand and connection to Pirates, they should have dominated this market. If they had only paid attention to it and nurtured this game a little more...
  1. "Family" entertainment - I can confirm that The Walt Disney Company as a whole (backed by CEO - Robert Iger) has re-evaluated the intellectual property they do own on the basis of determining whether or not such property do happen to appear "too violent" and therefore, unacceptable according to the Disney standard. (Unless I am mistaken, the push for this re-evaluation occurred just before summer time, I do believe).
  2. Disney "dominating" the PIRATE-themed market - You are absolutely correct and it just boggles the mind. What other media group can boost of such dominate, pirate-themed "treasure" within its' own portfolio other than Disney? :confused: I can think of no other company, interactive or otherwise!
***Disney/DIMG have a strong monopoly on the market, in matters of concern related to piracy! :eek:


*Filming for POTC 5 will still occur.:D
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The shooting locations for POTC 5 - "Dead Men Tell No Tales" have recently been released. It looks like the two hot-spots will include:
  1. Puerto Rico (which was previously used for 'some' setting locations for POTC 4 - 'On Stranger Tides')
  2. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
For more information, please review the following link I have provided below (warning: a light 'spoiler alert' from the below link pertains to details associated with the film's script).

The shooting locations for POTC 5 - "Dead Men Tell No Tales" have recently been released. It looks like the two hot-spots will include:
  1. Puerto Rico (which was previously used for 'some' setting locations for POTC 4 - 'On Stranger Tides')
  2. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
For more information, please review the following link I have provided below (warning: a light 'spoiler alert' from the below link pertains to details associated with the film's script).

From what I understand, the revealed part of the plot doesn't seem to follow the last movie's ending much, if at all. I'm wondering how they will tie it in with On Stranger Tides. Even Stranger Tides seemed a bit of a stretch for following the previous storyline of At World's End.

I'm always conflicted about a new POTC movie, always scared they will mess it up. Hopefully POTC 5 will not be the one to ruin them all. :confused:
The official release date for POTC 5 has been announced to be July 7th, 2017! Which, unfortunately, is delayed even more than @Shamus The Brute predicted... :sad1:
Aye. :sad1: "Thank ye" for the above update...

After understanding this news, I decided to review other articles concerning "Pirates 5" and beneath one article (in the 'comment' section of said article), one individual proclaimed that this decision recently made by Disney actually works to the series' advantage as actor Orlando Bloom's character - Will Turner - could not actually set foot upon land until 10 years of time had elapsed (POTC 3 - At World's End, was released in 2007).


*The problem still with yet another setback of "Pirates 5" is that Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, and Keith Richards are not getting any younger.:skullpeak: (Also, dare I say [we, as audience members] neither are we)!
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I'm actually happy about this. The 2016 release date that we've been hearing about was just Jerry Bruckhiemer's wishful thinking. The fact that Disney officially announced the date means that the script has been greenlit.

I assume that Disney gave the writers an exceptionally hard time, given that The Lone Ranger wasn't received well. This could be seen as a good thing though, because it means that the script must be pretty darn good for Disney to sign off on it.

Also, the directors won an oscar for a pirate/sailing movie, so the franchise is in very good hands, in my opinion.

Let them take their time. No need to rush things if the end product is every bit as good as we expect it to be.
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I've been meaning to share this tidbit of information with everyone for a long time now but apparently production for the fifth movie has been delayed (again) on account that actor - Johnny Depp - injured his hand :fight:eek:n the production set which required him (then) to take some personal time "off." :moon:

IN OTHER NEWS, Jerry Bruckheimer shared a tweet yesterday (April 21, 2015) on his Twitter and below is what he had to say:

For more information here about the filming of POTC 5 "Dead Men Tell No Tales," please do me the favor and review this thread as well.