Important Poll: February 2014

  • Thread starter Shamus The Brute
  • Start date

Will you support a POTCO new game/emulator where past (POTCO) "hackers" have a hand in them?

  • Total voters
Lets hope they don't hack another remake

I've thought about this before. I think I might have mentioned it on here once or twice.

I'm interested in seeing how this will play out. If they release Pirates Online Rewritten and it's moddable, what happens? I do think it will be moddable when it first releases to the semi-general public (Alpha). That really shouldn't be a surprise. I'm more interested in seeing on how the "developers" will stop hacking in another remake.
Four (4) days from now, this poll will have reached it's one month "birthday." :party1: *Thus far, the results are:
  • 13 in favor of supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
  • 16 against supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
On Monday, March 3, 2014, I plan to piece together a short "follow-up" to the results of the poll over that month period of time and offer (as best as I can) some insight which I hope is unbiased either way despite my own feelings about this particular issue.

*If you haven't had a chance to participate, please voice your opinion (through the actual poll itself) before March 3rd as a month period should be a sufficient amount of time for such results to be obtained for purposes of the poll.

Thank Ye ~ ;)I don't mean to contribute to the "bumping" of this thread but, if ye pirates whom arrrr visiting the forums this weekend (if you have not done so already) could participate within this thread's poll ...your response would greatly be appreciated! :)
*As mentioned before, if you desire to contribute to the poll but wish to remain anonymous, please just private message me and I will tally your choice to the poll's total when I provide a "follow-up" post to the thread, this upcoming Monday - March 3, 2014. (The ultimate goal is to provide an 'understanding' of what remains important/unimportant within the community since POTCO's closing on Sept. 19, 2013).

Thank Ye ~(Aye, avast! The subject matter of this thread be particularly 'sensitive' to the community of ex-POTCO players and as such, if ye - as a reader - do seek out to have yer voice be heard by all means do so but please be aware that it be expected also by ye to take full ownership over what ye say accordin' to the established rules, terms, and conditions of this here forums).:D *Let the words ye write - me heartie - be somethin' quite honorable but opposite of "flaming" someone or a particular group (or the perceived misfortune of shootin' yer cannons in a particular direction to cause unnecessary 'drama') arrgh!
Good day, all ye pirates of the Caribbean territories.:parrot: ~ Upon this third day of our Lord (during the third month of 2014 - which be March), I welcome ye to a "follow-up" tally of the results acquired from the responses received from the poll ^ above.

Since the poll was first introduced over a month ago, the results are included as follows:
  • 15 in favor of supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
  • 16 against supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
As ye can see (please remove 'eye patch' here), the results are very close with only one vote serving as a tie-breaker between the two choices! *Needless to say, the results do explain quite a bit as far as this community of ours coming to terms with an understanding of the current attitudes and demeanor which still does exist out there (following the closing of POTCO since Sept. 19, 2013). As the initiator of this thread, I would like to pause to sincerely thank those whom have either contributed to the poll itself or whom have written a comment explaining their inner feelings; thank ye ~ ;)


Now this is just an observation, but I suspect that the differences of opinion which still exists (according to the poll/thread results) might be narrowed down to the differences of opinion towards the perception of the POTCO hacking/modding problem. What I mean is, there clearly exists a division between those whom feel that the manipulation of POTCO coding was a problem and those who feel that it wasn't. Researching these last few days on the internet concerning the (globalization) of hacking only reinforced this feeling I have that an individual's perception is a likely culprit. With the hope of keeping POTCO's past in mind, let me explain below.

1.) As I understand it, those "in favor" of supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (from players known to have hacked/modded POTCO), the justification they uphold are based upon the following:
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents via manipulating POTCO coding are invaluable to the development of any future, gaming projects (saving time, money, and effort)
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents shall not be held responsible for the acquiring of such skills on account of Disney/DIMG failing to have patched the (python) coded loopholes permitted to have existed via POTCO
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents pose no threat to the future security and account settings of those players interested to join gaming projects developed by ex-POTCO members
2.) As I understand it, those "against" supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (from players known to have hacked/modded POTCO), the justification they uphold are based upon the following:

  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents via manipulating POTCO coding are not to be supported but are to be held accountable for their (past) actions on POTCO due to themselves compromising the pledged agreement they willfully agreed to comply with according to the established Disney/DIMG/POTCO "terms of service"
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents contributed to the demise of other players' POTCO experience
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents have violated a sense of trust between themselves and all other players involved within the POTCO community
~ Clearly, there remain key differences towards the perception of the problem, don't ye agree? :confused: Perhaps a practical way for myself to show such contrast is to include the following videos below which do happen to capture (in my opinion) the differences in both ideology and thought towards hacking/skid modding in general!

(Please understand that while I am not implying that the videos below represent what is occurring now, I am only including them to represent the differences which still exist in consideration to our community and the results which were obtained above from the thread's poll). "Thank Ye." :eek: ~

Video #1...
...versus the contrast of...
...Video #2.

Very interesting post you got there Shamus, as well as the videos. Good point well made.

And about the modding, I don't understand why can't just everyone STOP with it. I really don't understand the way those people/kids think.
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Are you talking about ''another remake''? I heard a rumor that a few developers there constructing another remake are hackers i dont know if that statment Is True or Not. But i Voted No because i hate hackers they do nothing but cause trouble And i Dont trust them i mean If Hackers were creating A Potco remake or rewritten. You Probably couldn't trust them their links to download A Update my be a Virus or Key Logger or the link may be To a Page with dirty Content.Or it may be just a fake Thing with no content in it to Fool you. i Mean thats my perspective of It.
Are you talking about ''another remake''? I heard a rumor that a few developers there constructing another remake are hackers i dont know if that statment Is True or Not. But i Voted No because i hate hackers they do nothing but cause trouble And i Dont trust them i mean If Hackers were creating A Potco remake or rewritten. You Probably couldn't trust them their links to download A Update my be a Virus or Key Logger or the link may be To a Page with dirty Content.Or it may be just a fake Thing with no content in it to Fool you. i Mean thats my perspective of It.
The developers at another remake are not hackers. Rebuilding POTCO was the first time they've modified the game files... :p
Are you talking about ''another remake''? I heard a rumor that a few developers there constructing another remake are hackers i dont know if that statment Is True or Not. But i Voted No because i hate hackers they do nothing but cause trouble And i Dont trust them i mean If Hackers were creating A Potco remake or rewritten. You Probably couldn't trust them their links to download A Update my be a Virus or Key Logger or the link may be To a Page with dirty Content.Or it may be just a fake Thing with no content in it to Fool you. i Mean thats my perspective of It.

They aren't hackers and all the progress and downloads they have posted so far are valid and with no viruses. And they actually DO show the progress that has been done.
They are DEFINATELY NOT hackers. They're trying to build POTCO exactly like it was so that we can continue our journey's in the Caribbean. Their goal is to provide the best game possible for the fans/past players/ new players.
Are you talking about ''another remake''? I heard a rumor that a few developers there constructing another remake are hackers i dont know if that statment Is True or Not. But i Voted No because i hate hackers they do nothing but cause trouble And i Dont trust them i mean If Hackers were creating A Potco remake or rewritten. You Probably couldn't trust them their links to download A Update my be a Virus or Key Logger or the link may be To a Page with dirty Content.Or it may be just a fake Thing with no content in it to Fool you. i Mean thats my perspective of It.
I don't think they are talking about another remake. As far as the rumor's go, Rumor's are just rumor's some could be true & some could be just lies made out of jealousy. I think the best bet is to just follow another remake's progress & then when it's all done make a decision for yourself whether the rumor's are true or not. :)
(Note: this thread is 'not' implying that POTHS or another remake are currently being developed by known hackers/modders. For that to be determined, the responsibility rests upon the POTCO community itself to review each project carefully according to the 'needs' of us, the community of ex-POTCO players)

I want to reiterate this statement I have made ^ above.

For what it is worth, the problem that I have found in making an effort to discover those whom have manipulated/modded/hack POTCO coding is that "many" relied upon a significant number of aliases or POTCO accounts to cover their true identity. *This post of mine serves as a reminder that IF you feel that any ex-POTCO player guilty of such action has contributed to the development of any given POTCO "new game/emulator" (such as another remake or POTHS as 'examples only'), that the burden of proof falls upon you as an individual to discover that truth and to present that information to those whom could most make a difference.

To be clear, this thread is not a suitable place for such revelations. ;) Thank Ye ~