Important Poll: February 2014

  • Thread starter Shamus The Brute
  • Start date

Will you support a POTCO new game/emulator where past (POTCO) "hackers" have a hand in them?

  • Total voters
Also, in my previous post, there's a topic I forgot to mention: What kind of hacking the supposed hacker(s) did.

The way I figure it, if they tried to do something major (for example: attempting to steal accounts), then I wouldn't trust them with the information necessary to register to a game. However, if they were only Python users who used the program to run super fast or become invincible or something along those lines (I don't know exactly what Python is capable of, so my examples may be poor), then I say to let bygones be bygones.
Whomever? The poll is asking if you would support anyone (if you hypothetically found out yourself) that the individual was guilty of the hacking I described above within my previous statement.

Are you implying there is a POTCO game being made by hackers? Potentially one of the ones already in development?
I'm going to be the honest one here for everyone. Since we still played POTCO with all the hacking that accrued daily, why on earth would it make a difference if a "New" game like POTCO had some of it. I don't like it or support it however, I am just plainly stating that if a new POTCO game came out. I believe everyone here would play it regardless of some "Hackers" to enjoyed what our community once had. To regroup and play as one pirate community once again!

In short, Yes. I would play a new game just like POTCO even if I had to deal with same 10-20 hackers who kill "some" of the gameplay. It's not like they can be on 24/7 like me :p

Happy Plundering! :bang:
It really depends. If there were a POTCO "emulator/remake" that was being devloped by past hackers/"modders"* what ever you want to call it, I would say "Yes, I would support the game" IF those who did hack, first just tell us that they did, show honest remorse and guilt for doing so, and make a move to end hacking/"modding"/whatever in their emulator/remake. However I would definitely say, no with these critera failed to be met.

*There is a difference between hacking and modding although not in the way previously explained.

There are two types of hacking, data hacking and application hacking. Data hacking invloves stealing things such as credit card numbers through software manipulation. Game hacking involves changing appilcation code WITHOUT DEVLOPERS PERMISSION for your own personal selfish reasons. An example is using a noclip hack in Battlefield 3. Both of these are malious and are illegal, depending on what your doing the punishment can vary and as with anything people get away with stuff, escpically application hacking.

Two types of moding, application moding and "moding." Application moding invloves changing an application's code to do cool stuff WITH THE DEVLOPER'S PERMISSION! An example is a Minecraft mod such as Mo's creatures which adds more monsters and stuff to the game and the devlopers have clearly written in the terms of use that you may modify the game, and some requirements for that. And then there is "moding" this is what hackers say they are doing when they want to get away with things. No example needed.
I'm not really sure what to say.
I am not really "sure" what to say be perfectly honest. *I am slowing beginning to understand that the boundary in relationship to POTCO hacking/modding was no longer just black and white but rather a fuzzy grey color where no definitive boundary had existed (during POTCO's last days).

What I do know is that this issue has more to do with MORALITY than most POTCO pirates would like to admit. Let me explain...
  • POTCO was a pretty cool game, no doubt. Sure it had it's problems but much of those problems were the result of Disney's lack of commitment
  • We were the players of POTCO. Whether you agree with this or not, we were all part of a community whom remained devoted to the game; a game which can be reflected now only in time to where we had personally chosen to play
  • We had a choice; despite the "junk" in POTCO's trunk, we made a personal choice to comply or not to comply with Disney and POTCO's terms of use
Question: Where along the way did a lot of this go wrong? More importantly, what was the underlying "motive" for those players whom decided to take matters into their own hands? Was it for their benefit or the community?
Question: Where along the way did a lot of this go wrong? More importantly, what was the underlying "motive" for those players whom decided to take matters into their own hands? Was it for their benefit or the community?

Where along the way did a lot of this go wrong?

Early 2012

I asked myself and others from Ocean's Cult this question when the game was coming to a close.
It was generally understood that we played a big impact on it. (even though I didn't take part in what they did; I deserve the blame) It's terribly unfortunate.

I still think that this game would have closed in 2013 no matter what.

Plenty of employees got laid off. No new content was being developed. (if there was any; it was scrapped) The game was a mess after the last major update in December 2011.

What was the underlying "motive" for those players whom decided to take matters into their own hands?

Fun. Is this a coincidence? That when there are no content updates; hackers pour in. Maybe. One way you could say, is that the developers could were working on a fix. Maybe. Likely not. It shouldn't take a year and a half to fix a simple mod.

People got tired of no updates, therefore this resulted to modding of our beloved Pirates Online.

Was it for their benefit or the community's?

It was their benefit.
Where along the way did a lot of this go wrong?

Early 2012

I asked myself and others from Ocean's Cult this question when the game was coming to a close.
It was generally understood that we played a big impact on it. (even though I didn't take part in what they did; I deserve the blame) It's terribly unfortunate.

I still think that this game would have closed in 2013 no matter what.

Plenty of employees got laid off. No new content was being developed. (if there was any; it was scrapped) The game was a mess after the last major update in December 2011.

What was the underlying "motive" for those players whom decided to take matters into their own hands?

Fun. Is this a coincidence? That when there are no content updates; hackers pour in. Maybe. One way you could say, is that the developers could were working on a fix. Maybe. Likely not. It shouldn't take a year and a half to fix a simple mod.

People got tired of no updates, therefore this resulted to modding of our beloved Pirates Online.

Was it for their benefit or the community's?

It was their benefit.

No offense to what I'm going to say, and I'm not going to start drama or anything, just out of curiosity.

Shamus The Brute mentioned ''Morality'', how do you feel when you say that stuff?
No offense to what I'm going to say, and I'm not going to start drama or anything, just out of curiosity.

Shamus The Brute mentioned ''Morality'', how do you feel when you say that stuff?

I feel good. I personally didn't do anything bad. I don't feel guilty for anything related to the downfall of POTCO.

Hmm... You know Shamus, this is an interesting topic. I do believe in second chances (God only knows how many I've needed)... But... I'm not so sure I could let that go. :rumgone: It really did make gameplay unfair and honestly.. unenjoyable. However, the real POTCO is gone, so... What would it hurt?

With the mention of lack of new content/commitment on Disney's part, I have come to think of it like this... People, in general, tend to get into trouble when they are not occupied by something interesting/entertaining... Seeing as how no new content had been released in quite a while, I feel that this may of been some of the cause to the hacks/mods.:evil laugh:

With that being said, old "habits" die hard. I am feeling very torn on this topic, but in the end... I would vote yes. :2 cents:
What was the underlying "motive" for those players whom decided to take matters into their own hands?
Fun. Is this a coincidence? That when there are no content updates; hackers pour in. Maybe. One way you could say, is that the developers could were working on a fix. Maybe. Likely not. It shouldn't take a year and a half to fix a simple mod.

People got tired of no updates, therefore this resulted to modding of our beloved Pirates Online.

Was it for their benefit or the community's?
It was their benefit.
With the mention of lack of new content/commitment on Disney's part, I have come to think of it like this... People, in general, tend to get into trouble when they are not occupied by something interesting/entertaining... Seeing as how no new content had been released in quite a while, I feel that this may of been some of the cause to the hacks/mods.
You both bring up an "interesting" point here.:)

I have (within my possession) testimony of what a true POTCO hacker/modder feels concerning this subject of boredom related to POTCO and the various reasons as to why he did what he did on & off POTCO. This individual is well-known for the efforts he caused in regards to the spread of the hacking/modifying of POTCO code and I had the opportunity to speak with him off-game on December 23, 2012 (wow; was not aware that it had been 'that long ago').

Here is what he states and below remains his personal testimony.

I understand where you're coming from and I understand you probably do not understand the significance behind my videos. Yes, I do post videos that in a way may harm the entire POTCO system. I know lots of people who have requested such videos I make. A lot of the Hacking Tutorials I create make people very happy. And again, I am only saying this from my understanding. A lot of people wonder "How do I do this" and "How do I do that" and I simply make the Hacking Tutorials that nobody has seen before. I can honestly say I do these videos sometimes just for the fame and popularity, excluding the Tribute Videos, those are for pure passion. I did not say I am not responsible for my videos, because I clearly am, I am just not responsible for the actions people take using the information in these videos. I cannot control the viewer and their actions. I feel by promoting these videos, in a way it harms and helps the POTCO Community. Not only does it give players a new thing to do in this boring world, it also grasps the attention of Non-Players who seek the opportunity to these same things, therefore bringing more business for Disney. The way I see it, age does not matter when it comes to fulfilling these duties by making these tutorials. People want to learn this stuff and it becomes a great opportunity to teach someone something they have never seen before! Lots of people are seeking insight from these videos, they see other people doing it and they wonder how to do it themselves. I offer the top-notch videos for these people to view to learn how to do it themselves, a lot more Positive comes out of these videos then Negatives. People want to go that "Extra" Mile, Especially since Disney has yet to make any BIG changes that could draw the attention of their players, they are losing players day by day. I can honestly say I am only making 1 more Hacking Video then after that I am considering stopping, although my videos will remain up. Honestly if players wish to close out their accounts, they may do so, but what you do not know, is that only Adult Accounts may delete their account at their own risk, other than that, Teen/Tween Accounts or Child Accounts may not do this, therefore leaving their account vulnerable.
In a previous response this individual had given to me (prior to the response shown 'above'), this individual shared with me this:
...My hacking history is done because I no longer play Pirates. My account stealing reputation ended over a month ago...
This statement acquired way back in December of 2012 was never followed through because up until at least July 13, 2013...this same individual had grown increasingly responsible for the sharing of more damaging code (code which, btw, did affect the 'online experience' of other POTCO gamers).

QUESTION: Is "boredom" a good enough reason still to justify such action? :confused:

What I have most learned from my own experience (in being some help to the Revive POTCO petition effort) is that there did appear to be other options available if boredom was a definite cause for many POTCO players' ongoing frustrations.

*In that respect, I cannot help but wonder what empowerment could have resulted if, say, there had been vast amounts of petitions (or other actions taken) throughout much of the problematic years experienced within POTCO.
I have moved on to a new game, yet I do still miss my days sailing the Caribbean. But I would never support nor come back to a game developed by the hackers of POTCO. Even though there was nothing new in the game, was still fun running around with my friends. But when hackers come in and cause DC's and raise all sorts of havic in pirate held events, ruining everyone elses fun, just so they can have some fun. Why in the world would I support anything they have anything to do with.
I don't believe using the fact that we used to play POTCO with hackers means that it's still alright to play with them. I read posts from developers saying they wanted to add updates and work on fixing mistakes. Personally, I don't think tolerating hacking in Rewritten should be acceptable. Now, talking about who the actual developers are is a different topic, but is one that intertwines into one issue.

If former POTCO hackers are running another remake, what are the consequences for hackers, if any? Would I, or others, want to give my information to people who many feared obtaining their information during potco?

Charles Warmonk, I respect your opinion and agree to a thin point that players would still play with frequent hacking, but I believe you will find that amount of players a lot smaller than you thought. When Potco was on declined, players were putting up with alot to cherish their beloved game, in hopes that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. Now - people have found other games, other hobbies and separation from this game. Their tolerance to play a game plagued with hacking will be much less, and I for one (mentioning that I planned on trying another remake), most certainty wouldn't stay if I had to put up with trouble.

I believed the ultimate goal was to improve the POTCO that Disney failed to act on, not to run down the game further. Saying this, I know progress is being made and I'm still very eager to see where it goes, but if I'm on the developing staff, then I would want to strive to be competition to the games that many Potco players ran to. You should want as many players to return to their original game as possible, and to do this, you need to make a game environment that meets peoples needs. Me, and many others, Do Not have hacking in that dream environment.
...Would I, or others, want to give my information to people who many feared obtaining their information during potco?

...You should want as many players to return to their original game as possible, and to do this, you need to make a game environment that meets peoples needs. Me, and many others, Do Not have hacking in that dream environment.
You state many things that I do happen to agree with and within your full response, there are no better statements that punctuate what I have been feeling lately as you do within the 3 sentences you had written above. :)

(Note: this thread is 'not' implying that POTHS or another remake are currently being developed by known hackers/modders. For that to be determined, the responsibility rests upon the POTCO community itself to review each project carefully according to the 'needs' of us, the community of ex-POTCO players)
For me, it is more important that the game is fun and hackers don't impact personal game play. If an ex hacker makes a game that is free of hacking, I may play. Any game that allows hacking is no fun and is doomed for a short life.
Four (4) days from now, this poll will have reached it's one month "birthday." :party1: *Thus far, the results are:
  • 13 in favor of supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
  • 16 against supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
On Monday, March 3, 2014, I plan to piece together a short "follow-up" to the results of the poll over that month period of time and offer (as best as I can) some insight which I hope is unbiased either way despite my own feelings about this particular issue.

*If you haven't had a chance to participate, please voice your opinion (through the actual poll itself) before March 3rd as a month period should be a sufficient amount of time for such results to be obtained for purposes of the poll.

Thank Ye ~ ;)I don't mean to contribute to the "bumping" of this thread but, if ye pirates whom arrrr visiting the forums this weekend (if you have not done so already) could participate within this thread's poll ...your response would greatly be appreciated! :)
*As mentioned before, if you desire to contribute to the poll but wish to remain anonymous, please just private message me and I will tally your choice to the poll's total when I provide a "follow-up" post to the thread, this upcoming Monday - March 3, 2014. (The ultimate goal is to provide an 'understanding' of what remains important/unimportant within the community since POTCO's closing on Sept. 19, 2013).

Thank Ye ~(Aye, avast! The subject matter of this thread be particularly 'sensitive' to the community of ex-POTCO players and as such, if ye - as a reader - do seek out to have yer voice be heard by all means do so but please be aware that it be expected also by ye to take full ownership over what ye say accordin' to the established rules, terms, and conditions of this here forums).:D *Let the words ye write - me heartie - be somethin' quite honorable but opposite of "flaming" someone or a particular group (or the perceived misfortune of shootin' yer cannons in a particular direction to cause unnecessary 'drama') arrgh!
Good day, all ye pirates of the Caribbean territories.:parrot: ~ Upon this third day of our Lord (during the third month of 2014 - which be March), I welcome ye to a "follow-up" tally of the results acquired from the responses received from the poll ^ above.

Since the poll was first introduced over a month ago, the results are included as follows:
  • 15 in favor of supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
  • 16 against supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (where it was 'known' that past POTCO hackers/modders had a hand towards the success of said project)
As ye can see (please remove 'eye patch' here), the results are very close with only one vote serving as a tie-breaker between the two choices! *Needless to say, the results do explain quite a bit as far as this community of ours coming to terms with an understanding of the current attitudes and demeanor which still does exist out there (following the closing of POTCO since Sept. 19, 2013). As the initiator of this thread, I would like to pause to sincerely thank those whom have either contributed to the poll itself or whom have written a comment explaining their inner feelings; thank ye ~ ;)


Now this is just an observation, but I suspect that the differences of opinion which still exists (according to the poll/thread results) might be narrowed down to the differences of opinion towards the perception of the POTCO hacking/modding problem. What I mean is, there clearly exists a division between those whom feel that the manipulation of POTCO coding was a problem and those who feel that it wasn't. Researching these last few days on the internet concerning the (globalization) of hacking only reinforced this feeling I have that an individual's perception is a likely culprit. With the hope of keeping POTCO's past in mind, let me explain below.

1.) As I understand it, those "in favor" of supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (from players known to have hacked/modded POTCO), the justification they uphold are based upon the following:
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents via manipulating POTCO coding are invaluable to the development of any future, gaming projects (saving time, money, and effort)
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents shall not be held responsible for the acquiring of such skills on account of Disney/DIMG failing to have patched the (python) coded loopholes permitted to have existed via POTCO
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents pose no threat to the future security and account settings of those players interested to join gaming projects developed by ex-POTCO members
2.) As I understand it, those "against" supporting a POTCO new game/emulator (from players known to have hacked/modded POTCO), the justification they uphold are based upon the following:
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents via manipulating POTCO coding are not to be supported but are to be held accountable for their (past) actions on POTCO due to themselves compromising the pledged agreement they willfully agreed to comply with according to the established Disney/DIMG/POTCO "terms of service"
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents contributed to the demise of other players' POTCO experience
  • Those players whom possessed said skills and/or talents have violated a sense of trust between themselves and all other players involved within the POTCO community
~ Clearly, there remain key differences towards the perception of the problem, don't ye agree? :confused: Perhaps a practical way for myself to show such contrast is to include the following videos below which do happen to capture (in my opinion) the differences in both ideology and thought towards hacking/skid modding in general!

(Please understand that while I am not implying that the videos below represent what is occurring now, I am only including them to represent the differences which still exist in consideration to our community and the results which were obtained above from the thread's poll). "Thank Ye." :eek: ~

Video #1...
...versus the contrast of...
...Video #2.
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