Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron


Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron is intended to be the sequel to 2012's Marvel's The Avengers and is set to be released May 1, 2015. Watch the Official Teaser Trailer below.

I hope it's going to be good. I loved the first one, so I hope it isn't a let down. And what is up with Iron Man's suit?
With S.H.I.E.L.D. destroyed and the Avengers needing a hiatus from stopping threats, Tony Stark attempts to jump start a dormant peacekeeping program with Ultron, a self-aware, self-teaching, artificial intelligence. However, his plan backfires when Ultron decides that humans are the main enemy and sets out to eradicate them from Earth, and it is up to Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, along with support from Nick Fury and Maria Hill, to stop him from enacting his plans. Along the way, the Avengers encounter the powerful twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, as well as the familiar Vision.
Just saw this movie tonight. Until today, The Avengers was my favorite Marvel film of all-time. Now, Age of Ultron has officially dethroned it. Yes, it was that good.
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It was good, but it had too many new things introduced throughout, what I mean is that basically the twins and Ultron could have used a bit more character development, and screen time. I personally think that Loki was the better Villain, but in terms of sheer terror and power Ultron wins that, though Loki did have Thor to set him up before the firs Avengers so yea... The fight scenes were amazing as usual though :p
It was good, but it had too many new things introduced throughout, what I mean is that basically the twins and Ultron could have used a bit more character development, and screen time. I personally think that Loki was the better Villain, but in terms of sheer terror and power Ultron wins that, though Loki did have Thor to set him up before the firs Avengers so yea... The fight scenes were amazing as usual though :p
I disagree. I felt that the twins had a decent amount of screen time. On top of that, I felt that this movie had more focus on characters like Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, who didn't get as much time to shine in the first movie.

Best fight scene = Iron Man vs. Hulk
Avengers 2 was nearly as good as the first, but I usually like first outings more than sequels. What seemed lacking in the second was the diminished screen time of Nick Fury, arguably one of the coolest roles in movies today, and Jackson has it nailed. Mothballing the Iron Man suit for a good portion of the movie hurt too, but thankfully, there was plenty of The Captain around to butter my popcorn.

The best part about the Marvel's are how they are all so intertwined, and each sets up the next one, even Guardians Of The Galaxy is involved, so ya gotta pay attention, or risk missing a stray God somewhere. A run down of just how much they link together, and what is upcoming in the Marvel-verse, is broken down here:

Interesting article, but there are more spoilers than you can swing a baby Groot at, so be forewarned....