Star Wars the Old Republic: Shadow of Revan Announced

The fourth digital expansion for SWTOR has been announced, Shadow of Revan. It will be released December 9th.


Level cap increase to 60.

New Disciplines system.

New Planets: Yavin IV and Rishi

New Story Chapter

Two Level 60 Flashpoints

Two Level 60 Operations

Hard mode versions of Legacy of Rakata, Depths of Manaan, Korriban Incursion, and Assault on Tython flashpoints.

Making us pay ugh :mad:

Anddd I wish the 12X xp boost was for everything because I don't really do the class stories. Maybe I'll be able to level a republic character idk

The new system sounds cool tho
well I might just start playing again... now if only I didn't have 2 billion alts that 12x boost would sure be helpful. Plus my main is on a rp pvp server XD

P.S. for those of you who played Knights of The Old Republic (like me!) I really hope they don't mess Revan's character up anymore than they already have.
I hate the new Disciples system so much. It's a dumbed down system seemingly for those who can't understand how to use skill trees whatsoever and that just turns me off so completely to it. I've been using it for almost 3 years now. It really can't be THAT hard to use it.

I like the Revan thing. I've not done any of the new flashpoints (Manaan or Rakata Prime) but they seem interesting and so I hope they do well with this expansion.

On another point, does anyone know if the expansion to level 60 will include new abilities or what these new abilities are?

EDIT: Do we also receive the 12x xp boost NOW? or later? lol
I hate the new Disciples system so much. It's a dumbed down system seemingly for those who can't understand how to use skill trees whatsoever and that just turns me off so completely to it. I've been using it for almost 3 years now. It really can't be THAT hard to use it.

I like the Revan thing. I've not done any of the new flashpoints (Manaan or Rakata Prime) but they seem interesting and so I hope they do well with this expansion.

On another point, does anyone know if the expansion to level 60 will include new abilities or what these new abilities are?

EDIT: Do we also receive the 12x xp boost NOW? or later? lol

The new Discipline system is to eliminate class imbalances. Also, there will be new abilities for level 60, but also for levels below that as well.

There will be single player versions of the flashpoints for those who don't want to do it with a group, to get the story.

12X XP will be available NOW until December 9th.

I fail to understand how to play SWTOR. Lel.

There's a bit of a learning curve to it. If you want to learn more, poke around the questions thread. :)
The new Discipline system is to eliminate class imbalances. Also, there will be new abilities for level 60, but also for levels below that as well.

There will be single player versions of the flashpoints for those who don't want to do it with a group, to get the story.

12X XP will be available NOW until December 9th.

There's a bit of a learning curve to it. If you want to learn more, poke around the questions thread. :)
"class imbalances" The game is more balanced than it ever has been. There's no "FOTM smash" or "FOTM carnage". Everyone is able to do a fair amount of damage and does pretty well while this new Disciples system is just going to toss that all out the window.

I mean have you seen the stream they did for it? They're making innervate castable while moving. How is that not going to break balance? I mean that's pretty much Sorc's main heal outside of their AoE in PvP. I'm just amazed that Bioware thought that removing a WORKING skill tree system, merely because they disliked how people were able to use hybrids, was somehow a good idea. Sorry for the rant but I've been using skill trees for 2 years now and to have it removed merely because some bonehead in the Bioware skill team doesn't like how hybrids are the only way to be good in PvP just makes me a bit upset.