Where Are You NOW? 6 Months after POTCO closed

What do you miss most about playing Potco?

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Ugh...where to begin..between school, trying to find a job, hanging out with what friends I have and helping them out, working out and facing the possibility of my parents breaking up, my life is so busy I pass out every night from being so tired. I'm not even gaming anymore except a little at my friend's place. Hopefully things will smooth out this summer and I can join up with some of my old POTCO friends.
Was going to get ESO till I couldn't afford it. Currently playing Rift till I buy Guild War's 2 next week. Haven't really gotten addicted to any game's yet. I guess I'm afraid that If I get addicted to another game it will shut down like pirate's online did.. :eek: Silly huh?
I had lots of fun with Rift for a while; I just liked GW2 better. I loved Rift's artifacts and made a killing in platinum selling them. I also loved their fishing. Too fun! Considering no online game lasts forever, you're not silly. I doubt you'll have to worry overmuch about the current MMOs closing soon other than LOTRO. They all seem to have a lot of life left in them. :)
Programming my another remake character testing and today I was wearing bright red woodland vest. However, I was mainly focusing on my pirate's look and getting my Warmonk beard back on for the ladies. :cool:

After potco closed I've been playing Potbs (pirates of the burning sea) it's the closest I can get to my pirate side ;) I have 2 level 50's... Working on the third :D
Since POTCO ended, I've been trying to play Star Wars: The Old Republic when I can. Thanks to that, I've become fairly knowledgeable of the game and it's technicalities. In general, I've become bigger on gaming anyhow. I recently got my second level 55 on SWTOR.
Mine was not obviously legit. "Getting Banned" But the place I have to be right now is... Either staying on a Sip for 3 - 5 months or playing Swtor when I have time....
I've been closely watching and taking small part in the development of Dragon Age: Inquisition and Star Citizen. I've moved on from pirate games.
Still play GW2, and occasionally SWTOR.
I am just doing whatever comes to mind, really. :rolleyes: I run my own MC server and play other video games.
My current project? Playing LEGO POTC coincidentally enough...
I am looking foreword to another remake, even if it never comes out, I will be hoping for it, at least.
I was too busy to be on the day POTCO closed, a decision I regret.
I hope everyone else is doing things with life. Then again, I am still talking about a game thats been dead for 6 months. So, I am guilty too I guess. :p
OMG it has been a while since I posted in the forums, it's good to be back!

Well, since the game went down I kept looking for a game that is committed to the community (I was still afraid that I might get my heart broken like after what happened to POTCO).

And I joined Guild Wars 2 since the beginning, and it was a lot of fun, I love how the developers try their best to please their players (with biweekly updates and it's all with no monthly subscription).

but I'm still looking forward to get back with you guys and play another remake :D!