Release Notes 2018-2-21 tlopo-rc-v1.10.3

  • Make sure to check out our list of Known Issues. There are still quite a few things we're working on fixing that may still be interrupting your gameplay. Thanks so much for your patience!
  • Many players have been asking us if any changes were made to land loot recently. We have not touched land loot in any form in any of the recent updates. Any droughts you see in your plunder are just due to luck (or lack thereof). If we make any changes to land loot, we will be sure to tell you. We will always be transparent about any changes we make. Thanks!
  • Added an additional fart sound effect to Flatulent Fizz potions.
  • Mastered GUI for overall notoriety and weapons will now use the new TLOPO logo.
  • As much as it would have been nice to have a comeback to the argument "when pigs fly," the pig near Adoria Dolores' tailor shop on Padres Del Fuego no longer floats in midair.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Jolly Roger from attacking barricades during Invasions.
  • Fixed a crash related to quests.
  • Fixed a district reset caused by porting a ship with materials in its cargo.
  • Fixed an issue with badge display.
  • Fixed various memory leaks.
  • Most quest searchable containers now function properly. Others, such as shelves or cabinets do not. We're working on getting those fixed!
  • Significant improvements to loot obtained while sailing. We're still working on this. Thanks so much for your patience!
  • Tia Dalma will no longer be randomly standing in King's Run on Port Royal.
  • Fixed an issue with our anti-cheat systems.
  • Localizer grammar/typo fixes.
Known Issues
  • The Black Pearl Boss Battle does not reward plunder.
  • Boarding permissions for The Queen Anne's Revenge are still wonky.
  • Bonus rewards from the Raven's Cove Story Quest are not being awarded or may award the wrong item.
  • Some players are still missing their Black Pearl Story Quest. We're investigating this issue.
  • There are still a few issues that need to be worked out with sailing loot. It's a top priority for us.
Yeah I can't pig it find a way to mess it up
I can throw away my time with some lacking love
You can't cure the hate within you
See if two can do
Cause I can't pig it, and I'm no good for you.
I wonder if a 'Flying Pig' account will become the next @Mood Rock ?
I can see that happening...

On the topic of accounts for glitches, I think the barrel in the ground in front of Fort Charles deserves a memorial account.
If you can't remember who the barrel was, it was quite literally a barrel mostly submerged underground in front of Fort Charles:

Its name was Darrel, and unlike me or the flying pig, Darrel was completely eradicated from existence in game.
At least Mood Rock or the Flying Pig still exist in some manner, even if it is not at our maximum potential.
Unfortunately, Darrel is dead, so this unfortunate barrel can't make its own account. We need someone to do that.
The injustice this barrel has faced tops any loss of color, flying ability, cargo capacity, or loot quality that we the TLOPO community have encountered. If Darrel could be resurrected, which I'm sure it can, then that would be a great achievement in TLOPO history.
Although, I'd prefer Mood Rock beforehand myself.
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Is it wrong of me to miss the POTCO logo on my notoriety? I get branding the game to make it their own. But is nothing sacred? It is also good to respect the roots of the game. I guess I am just a bit shaken by the change since I maxed so early in POTCO so I had been looking at the same logo whenever I did anything for so many years. It was quite a shock to see that when I logged in.

At least they acknowledge the BP quest is still messed up. I have been waiting for months since beating the Black Pearl Battle and the quest vanished before I got my leadership skill. But I shall wait a bit longer. Since I don't sail much anyway, I am not missing much.
Is it wrong of me to miss the POTCO logo on my notoriety? I get branding the game to make it their own. But is nothing sacred? It is also good to respect the roots of the game. I guess I am just a bit shaken by the change since I maxed so early in POTCO so I had been looking at the same logo whenever I did anything for so many years. It was quite a shock to see that when I logged in.

At least they acknowledge the BP quest is still messed up. I have been waiting for months since beating the Black Pearl Battle and the quest vanished before I got my leadership skill. But I shall wait a bit longer. Since I don't sail much anyway, I am not missing much.
I agree with you it´s like the same thing with Mood rock although i´ve never seen it before.
Hate to remind folks but this isn't a bug report thread, it's strictly to give updates by admin as far as I can tell.
There are plenty of other bug and guts threads out there.
I'm not sure why replies are allowed here.
Just sayin.
Thanks. But it's fairly easy to get way off topic. I know i've been there.
Sure. If a discussion changes topic gradually over time then it's no big deal. We just see a lot of bug reports in release note threads so I wanted to clarify that they are not dumping grounds for bugs.
and btw the pig's name is NOT Darrel
The pig is not named Darrel.
The barrel is named Darrel.

I don't know the pig's name.
Also, can you or someone else send me a picture of the flying pig? I'm stuck at Port Royal and couldn't head on over to Padres to see it.
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