A New Year Challenge for Ye (01/04/13)


Wiki Staff
We hope all Pirates are enjoying a bountiful beginning to their New Year!
The Peddlers make it simple to start yer new
year in royal fashion with their January gear:
Royal Commodore
Now for yer New Year Challenge...
Find and tally up these 5 different types of sandmen around the islands:
  1. Jack Sparrow sandman
  2. Jolly Roger sandman
  3. Headless Jolly Roger sandman
  4. Barrel-body sandman
  5. Starfish-buttons sandman
Send in your answer with exact counts for each sandman
by replying to this Blog post using the Comments field below.
MARK THIS WELL: Make sure you include your Pirate’s Account ID, Pirate Name,
and Guild when you submit your entry below.
(Only the winning answers will be posted. Account IDs are NOT posted with your answers).
The first 10 Pirates to send us the correct counts for
ALL FIVE sandmen win a special winter draught of
Jack's Brew - a super reputation potion to kick yer New Year off with a bang!
Deadline to enter your correct tallies for all
5 sandmen to this Blog post is midnight (PST)
this Sunday, January 6, 2013.
After Sunday, the Winter Festival and sandmen both drift away into the warm island winds...
This is a really cool new fun activity. I sent my results in a couple hours ago. Even though I probably didnt get them right, it was still pretty fun to do something new like this. :) Finally, something new from potco lol
Wait. :confused:

*Why would they need to know our Acct. ID's? In all of the years of POTCO events, have they ever asked for this?
They will probably generate a redeem code and bind it to your account so you can't give it away.
But, have they ever asked about Acct. ID's before? Can they not just get that information from the pirate name you provide for them? :confused:

Well...I guess it would eliminate false accounts from receiving the prize, if someone were to bend the truth in the matter. idk.
But, have they ever asked about Acct. ID's before? Can they not just get that information from the pirate name you provide for them? :confused:

Well...I guess it would eliminate false accounts from receiving the prize, if someone were to bend the truth in the matter. idk.
Yes, they always ask for your account name, for example... (this was the first I came across) and anytime you submit a bug report, you include your Account ID.

Celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day
September 19, 2012

Today, September 19th, marks international Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Whether shoutin’ “Bounty Hunters off the port bow!” or tellin’ a tale in the Rowdy Rooster, today is the perfect time to celebrate a Disney Pirate’s way of life – in a manner of speakin’.

How well do YOU sling that swashbuckler lingo?
Send us yer best, most colorful Pirate phrase by replying to this Blog post in the Comment field below.

Your Pirate phrase must be creative, original, fun, and keep it clean as a whistle!

Those Top 5 Pirates with the most fittin’ phrases will each win a reward worth talking about:
- 19,000 in-game gold coins
- 2 weeks complimentary Unlimited Access

MARK THIS WELL: Make sure you include your Pirate’s Account ID, Pirate Name, and Guild when you submit your entry below.

We do not post submissions, but rest assured we review each one.
Yer comments regarding Talk Like A Pirate Day are always welcome too, mates!