Blog Post A Strange Encounter


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Posted by Bartholomew Watkins on Nov. 25, 2016, 2 p.m.

Ahoy there mates,

Forgive me if me handwritin’ be lookin’ a bit sloppy. Ye see, at the moment I am shakin’ in me boots, fearin’ for me life. Two days ago I came face to face with… well, I don’t even know what to call that thing. Listen to me story and ye be the judge.

The Caribbean has been frustratingly quiet lately. I swear it’s so empty that I’ve seen a few tumbleweeds rollin’ around. So imagine me surprise when some cloaked bloke docks his ship on Port Royal and starts strollin’ into town. I was interested in eavesdroppin’ so- I mean, bein’ the concerned and loyal citizen that I am, I decided to follow him just to make sure that he wasn't up to anythin’ fishy. This was me first mistake.

He walked into the graveyard that I’ve always avoided with a passion due to the animated bags of bones that lingered in there. Those guys were always so angry. The mysterious man reached into his cloak and retrieved a staff. The attention of the undead was fully on him. They didn't seem like they were interested in attackin’ him, they just stood there and stared (that’s a first).

The man began to cast a spell. I heard an ominous clap of thunder comin’ from the skies which had tinted into a poisonous green color. The winds had begun to pick up and fog was startin’ to appear. I stood there captivated yet horrified. Just as the thick fog hid the man from me line of sight, a gust of wind knocked off the cloak that covered his head, exposin’ his grotesque face to me.

I was stunned. I staggered backwards and tripped over me own two feet. I could have sworn that the man noticed me presence and snapped his head in me direction. This is the moment in which I hopped on the nope-not-today galleon and ran out of there.

As I made me escape, I noticed the cold fog gushin’ toward me and slitherin’ its way down the slopes. A few more gallops ahead I lost me breath and I wanted to have one last look at the monstrous gloom that was about to be me demise - but alas, it suddenly ebbed all the way back faster than I could blink me eyes!

I tried to forget about this encounter, but this mornin’ Port Royal, Tortuga, and Padres Del Fuego received a lil’ anonymous gift that kicked the creepy to a whole new level. On the docks abandoned boats with wood and various empty barrels were found. All 3 ships had a letter with the same message written on ‘em: “You’ll be needing these soon”.

This is what cemented me belief that somethin’ terrible be comin’, and what I saw only be a test of some sort by the dark powers that lie in wait. Now mates, if ye need me ye can find me on the high seas as I sail me way over to England.

Stay safe me hearties.
Bartholomew didn't say if the man walked with a gimp, like Jolly Roger. 3 boats with wood and empty barrels, at all 3 islands. That is a total of 9 boats, unlucky number. I've seen invasion in the past, Jolly didn't needed a staff. This doesn't bode well, another sprit is calming souls?:sad1:
It couldn't be Sparrow, though, because he doesn't wear a cloak, nor does he wield a staff. But I'll bet you anything that this cloaked figure (totally not me ;)) has something to do with Isla Escondida. Just watch. He's the next Jolly Roger.
I would know because I am the cloaked figure. They call me Roger 2.0.
Well we now know that the Staff is working :) Thanks a lot Devs! :D
The staff has ALWAYS been working :p

It couldn't be Sparrow, though, because he doesn't wear a cloak, nor does he wield a staff. But I'll bet you anything that this cloaked figure (totally not me ;)) has something to do with Isla Escondida. Just watch. He's the next Jolly Roger.
I would know because I am the cloaked figure. They call me Roger 2.0.
It couldn't be Jack Sparrow. I agree with your prediction about it having something to do with Isla Escondida.

Remember that unfinished model?