Idea A [Weapon] Challenge Page in Sea Chest


Honorable Pirate
Ok, first off, when I say "challenge page", I'm only referring to what challenge(s) I want in the posting I"m making. I know there are other "challenges" that could be added, and if you want to suggest that here, That's ok, because the reason I have weapons in brackets is to show I'm referring to weapons, but does not limit replies to just weapons.

Let me make MY suggestion clear... this is not "challenges" as in "Defeat (X number) specific enemy" either by specific enemy (i.e. Undead Bandit or EITC Assassin) and/or enemy type (Navy, Undead, Ghost, etc.) or anything like that. I mean if you want to suggest this, then by all means go ahead and add the specifics yourself in the replies of this post.

So, here's my idea: as we all know there are many many many ma- *2000 years later* many many weapons in TLOPO, and the devs are only adding more as time goes on. Many of those weapons go into categories, like Cutlass, Broadsword, Voodoo Dolls, Daggers, Throwing Knives, etc etc. But under those categories, there are subcategories, like Cursed Blades (which as of now have not been implemented yet), EITC weapons, the Admiral Cutlasses, Bloodfire Cutlasses, etc etc. So I was thinking this: what if for every Weapon Group (yes, that's what they are called, according to the wiki) that you find, note I said *FIND* and not have in your inventory at the same time, you get a special reward, whether it's receiving a new additional weapon in the group that supersedes the others of said group or... well I haven't really thought of any other possible rewards, since gold and xp are easy to get in the game. If you have a reward idea, I'm all ears... or... well, I"m a skeleton, so I don't know how I can hear with no ears or cochlea... whatever, if you have reward ideas, then post away.

Long story short, find all weapons of a group, get reward and it tracks it in the sea chest. Thoughts anyone?
I don't know if you ever heard of the idea of achievements that was passed around back in Alpha, but maybe when you get every weapon in a group you receive an achievement and possibly a reward as well. OR maybe instead of the reward or with the reward you could receive new content that goes along with the achievement. Maybe something like a new weapon that you can only loot once you have completed the achievement. This would be like cursed weapons where you cannot obtain the new weapon until you finish the storyline, except instead of the storyline you just have to complete the achievement of obtaining the entire set of weapons.

For example, if you got every weapon in one of the sets of the monkey group you might receive an immediate award and then unlock the ability to loot a new weapon stronger than the strongest weapon in the group. In this case, stronger than each respective gorilla weapon.
Monkey Group:
It should be that you trade in all of the weapons of that group for a more powerful variant.
Now THAT sounds like a reward worth getting. The only downside would be for all the Bloodfire and Cursed weapons to be parted with, even for a better version of the group.
Now THAT sounds like a reward worth getting. The only downside would be for all the Bloodfire and Cursed weapons to be parted with, even for a better version of the group.
Yea but it would make the items a lot rarer and more valuable and would give endgame players something to work for.
It should be that you trade in all of the weapons of that group for a more powerful variant. would make the items a lot rarer and more valuable and would give endgame players something to work for.
The only reason I suggested that you earn the ability to loot the weapon rather than just get it immediately for the other weapons is that it would be even rarer, but I guess it just depends on what you prefer. I like the idea either way.