Ahoy from Pittsburgh

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Honored to be among you all. I'm actually a pirate living in Pittsburgh (No, I actually hate baseball) and would love to connect with all of ye. Currently performing the musical I wrote called "A Pirate's Tale" which is playing out on the waters of our 3 Rivers here. If you want to see what's happening with the REAL pirates in Pittsburgh, check out the promo for the show. Ahoy!

Ahoy to ye, me heartie and welcome to the forums, Tristan!

:pirate::pirate ship::walk the plank:

~ Hoping ye find a suitable home here for all of yer interests... :flag1:
Looking for a new good book about pirate history too. Any suggestions? And thank ye, mate. :)
Unfortunately, me be the class of pirate whom indulges a bit too much in the hidden cache of me RUM (any books that I do read from time-to-time be quickly forgotten). However; pirate history is a fascinating subject and particular interest of me own so I be keepin' at least one eye open for ye and said interest.

A practical reference me be usin' and fancy be the below (although website has been around for awhile; not sure how current for 'books,' that is):

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