Ahoy, I'm DreamDancer82

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I'm a player of the original POTCO, except I was always in and out at different intervals (I have issues with ADHD, which is a curse worse than Davy Jones's). When I felt like playing it again, it was gone! So I'm glad I found this site, and I'm even more glad I don't have to sign up to play at a specific time anymore!

Here are some Useless Facts about me that you may or may not find interesting:
1. I have a strange sense of humor that takes getting used to
2. When I see the name "Davy Jones," I think of my favorite music group, The Monkees, instead of "Ol' Squid-Face"
3. I've never seen the POTC movies, I just felt like playing the game (that, and a frequent word in my vocabulary is "yar")
4. I am hopelessly obsessed with cats, especially with my own in general (I found my avatar through Google. My Snowball would rip me to shreds if I ever tried dressing her up as a pirate!)
5. Not only do I love cats, but I have a soft spot for aardvarks. Or should I say "AARRRRRRdvarks?"
Ahoy DreamDancer82! You gotta watch the POTC movies!
I did. My parents own the first three. I'm sorry to say the first one did not do much for me. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, it just turned out to be not my bottle of rum, if you get my drift. But like I said, I'm not playing because I love the movies. I'm playing because the game looked like a lot of fun. However, the original ride in Disney World was a favorite of mine (I say was, because I actually remember it before they added Barbosa and Jack Sparrow into the ride. I love the song, though).
Just added a new signature. Let me know what ye think (and if anyone gets the significance of it, I'll give ye a free trip to Tortuga on my boat!)
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