Ahoy, I'm Trailblazer/bobdog

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I'll first start off by saying I had many pirates named (Bart Rigwallace, Bobdog & TrailBlazer.) Along with a somewhat of a small youtube channel called (POTCOxjumpers). I posted pvp & random things about POTCO that I thought was cool. I loved POTCO, it was one of my first MMO/RPG I've played. I played everyday none stop.. it brought joy & happiness to me. I really was upset to hear that it was ending (Sep 19th, 2013) I made my final video about the game.. showing as much as I could. Here is a link to that video (
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEcZZI5xcy0
) :) I am hoping to see TLOPO bring this game back to life & along with its fantastic community that always made everyday unforgettable!
Thank you.
Bart Rigwallace.

P.s Started POTCO 2009-2013


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