Ahoy, I'm Venus

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Greetings, after months of hiding in the shadows I decided it's finally time to say hello to the forums and send a big thank you to the dedicated staff working so hard to get this game online again. I will admit that when the game went down I felt like I had lost a friend, scouring the internet for something comparable... alas there was nothing, and so I wait. However I know the wait is going to be totally worth it, with the introduction of new quests and the fixing of the old ones, this game is going to be even better than before... but don't tell the Dis I said that!

I'm looking forward to watching the stream tonight and I'm hoping to see more of Isla Escondita and those sea serpents, I promise I'll be makin' me a pair of fine boots from one of them soon, oh and I definitely want another tour of those buttery caves.... mmmm caves.

So thank you forums for helping to keep me sane during this downtime, and thank you TLOPO staff for caring about this project as much as this community does! I can't wait to see you all online again :thumbsup:

Fair winds
Venus O'Halfshell
Ahoy Lady!! Love your intro and the heartiest of welcomes to you, my fine fellow guild mate, to our forum family!
Ahoy mate! Welcome to TLOPO Forums! Weigh the anchor and hoist yer sails thar be excitin times here on the forums! Be sure to check out the threads as they contain a wealth of information! Remember, the new update will soon be released! :

Welcome to the Forums Venus! Great intro, thanks for sharing! Glad you found us, we were here all through Potco and now for Tlopo, so you'll most likely find some old friends among us! If you need any help, just ask!
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