Question Any major changes in the past year?


I haven't played Pirates in over a year now. I can't find a list of all the *big* changes, anybody have a link or can catch me up to speed? Looking forward to playing again :)
Here's a list of big things I recall being added..
Forsaken Shallows - Area within the "Thrall Room" of Cursed Caverns..
- With this there were 5 new bosses added too Tormenta. Each Boss drops a specific legendary weapon only they can drop.
Hallowed Woods - Area within Kings Run Port Royal (Holiday special only starts in October)
- Additions were made the last couple times it was released
Secret Trading Shop - Tortuga (while looking at the jail it is directly to the left)
Yuletide Manor - Tortuga across from the Secret Trading Shop (Holiday Special only starts in the end of December or Early January)
Cannon Defense is back
- Cannon Rams now work!
Invasions were added back to Port Royal and Tortuga as of now.
Pyp update has been launched very recently.