beta live


I think we may need a post on what beta live is all about.
By many of the posts I bin reading maybe some people don’t really understand.

in my opinion we’re all here to help test the servers to see how many people they will handle and to report problems we encountered in the game.
There’s bound to be a lot of problems along the way. but hey that’s what we’re all here for. To help find them.
People have to stop getting so upset every time the game crashes when you dock. or if you can’t finish a quest.
just report it and know your doing your part to make the game better.

just have fun meeting up with old friends and new ones.
Happy sailing everyone.
I totally agree.
I crash a lot lol, but it don't bother me so much considering the stage the game is in and in my opinion doing very well indeed!
Also my main character is bugged so I cant play with her at all. She is notoriety 49 and half and I cant wait to get back to her an finally have my first ever lvl 50 pirate! :)
I have belief in the staff and I'm sure they will get her sorted. Though it is hard waiting lol but they will get around to fixing her as soon as they can (I'm sure she isn't exactly top priority lol). Then again I'm a patient and understanding person by nature.
Meanwhile playing with my lower lvl alts :)

Have fun testing and making friends everyone! :D