Billy Nighy as Davy Jones

Best Pirates villain in your opinion?

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I totally forgot how fantastic of an actor Bill Nighy is! He completely NAILED the role of Davy Jones!! I will always remember him as Davy Jones. It is his best role, imo. I have seen him in the Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy, but he is brilliant as a Pirates villain!
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While I love Ian McShane and he did an admiral job with what they gave him, Blackbeard just didn't come out right in Stranger Tides. Davy Jones was a much more frightening villain.

Blackbeard did have the best entrance of the villains though. When he walked out, everyone fell silent, and his eyes pierced all of them...

"Gentlemen, I be placed in a bewilderment... There I were, resting. And upon a sudden, I hear an ungodly row on deck. Sailors abandon their posts, without orders, without leave. Men before the mast, taking the ship for themselves."

You knew it was not going to end well.
It's Davy Jones, and there isn't even an argument. Barbosa was very good, but with Jones there was this other side of him which you could actually sympathize with -- his betrayal by Calypso. Plus he had so many dope lines like "Send his beloved Pearl back to the depths!" "I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup!" and funny ones like 'You'll trust us to act in your stead?' "I'll trust you to know what awaits you should you fail!"
It's Davy Jones, and there isn't even an argument. Barbosa was very good, but with Jones there was this other side of him which you could actually sympathize with -- his betrayal by Calypso. Plus he had so many dope lines like "Send his beloved Pearl back to the depths!" "I cannot be summoned like some mongrel pup!" and funny ones like 'You'll trust us to act in your stead?' "I'll trust you to know what awaits you should you fail!"
"Do you fear death?" "Do you NOT fear death?" "I AM the sea..." "Will ye serve?"