Black Seas Rising Guild


Sea Legs
Ahoy Y'all Its Gypsy Rose Miss Y'all so much. can't wait for the game be back up and running .
i miss picking on Y'all. Hope Everyone is doing Well . Hope No One is in hospital over the trama of TLOPO being down for the updates rofl. see y'all soon as game is back up running and can not wait to see all the new things the Devs and Mods and Story Writer s have put together. Awesome job to the Devs , Mods everyone who is a part of the team working hard to make TLOPO awesome for our community. You Can Not Rush Perfection and Greatness. If I was Rich person Id be sending Y'all lots of money to help out with what y'all do and to show appreciation for all your hard work Ty Again . Miss being on TLOPO .
Hey, there, Gypsy Rose! I miss everyone too! I'm trying to stay busy by getting some things done that have been neglected since I discovered the game was back, but I'm dying to get back to playing. I thought watching some YouTube videos of game play would help ease my withdrawal symptoms, but all that did was make me all the more anxious to get back to playing, LOL! One of the first things I'm gonna do when the game comes back online is look for that darned ship log for Darby that I have NOT been able to find anywhere! I want to get that quest checked off my list at long last!

In the meantime, I'll just keep busy and do some playing on my other favorite game, Prison Architect.

Hope to see everyone again SOON!