
Pretty Polly

Honorable Pirate
Misty Mire's water strobes in 2 tone blue.
Running into Rats nest from Misty Mire. Encountered an invisible wall covering half the path level with the 2nd plant on the right as you enter. There's another further on, right hand side that covers 90% of the path. The only way through is to keep tight to the left side of the large rock.
Running from Rats Nest into Tortuga Graveyard causes the game to crash.
Running from Tortuga Graveyard into Rats Nest causes the game to crash.
Running from Thieves Den into Tortuga Graveyard causes the game to crash but running from Tortuga Graveyard into Thieves Den is ok.
Unable to teleport out of Misty Mire to Port Royal OR Tortuga (Is this feature enabled yet?) Ok... Unable to teleport at all. (saying I don't have teleport access to that island yet)
Ghostly visage animation does not work.
Pirate freezes when using Belchin' Brew.
Pirate freezes when using Flatulent Fizz instead of lifting leg and wafting hand.
Doesn't seem to be any noticeable increase in speed with swift foot I.
Original starter clothes have disappeared and starter boots are showing as black even though they are brown with buckles on pirate log in screen.
Used the 'log out' to return to the ' your pirates' screen but left me logged in to game. Only way to log out is to log out to desktop.
pirate garb copy.jpg
Is there a place here on this forum specifically for TLOPO bugs? I've sent some feedback in game but the space isn't big enough to write a lot or add a screenie or two.
My brother had just teleported from Tortuga to Port Royal. Then someone ran up to me (still on Tortuga) and started talking to my. My brother was able to hear the conversation on Port Royal. However, we could not hear his responses back.
screenshot_2016-02-17_11-57-57.jpg 12713889_1021358077936911_2037071768_n.jpg

I notice that this seems to happen a lot actually. Especially when you go to an interior from an island.

Also a bug when fishing: if you press F12 and then reel in your line, the number on the line health bar shrinks physically in size.
Before & after:
screenshot_2016-01-28_16-29-11.jpg screenshot_2016-01-28_17-24-42.jpg

It can shrink to the point of not being visible.
Running into Rats nest from Misty Mire. Encountered an invisible wall covering half the path level with the 2nd plant on the right as you enter. There's another further on, right hand side that covers 90% of the path. The only way through is to keep tight to the left side of the large rock.
This is the problem although I told Mike about it a while back so I'm sure they are aware of it. The trees are not loading with correct level of detail (LOD). It happens with a few other various objects in the game but most notably the trees.
