Can someone please end the Jolly Roger Jack Sparrow feud, or at least change the origin story?


Honorable Pirate
"Knowing Jack was a card lover, Jolly invited him to a friendly game of poker. Jolly had to cheat to win so he conspired with a villainous Witch Doctor to deal the cards. Jolly won hand after hand. Soon Jack was out of luck and money. As Jolly hoped, Jack bet his seat on the Brethren Court for one, last hand. The Witch Doctor dealt Jolly a full house - Sixes over Fours. Jack knew he was being cheated so he plucked an Ace from his sleeve and presented a Full House too - Aces over Jacks. "

In Tortuga Hold Em (Texas Holdem) two players would be dealt 2 cards, then share 5 community cards. That's 9 total cards. If you cheat you remove one from your hand and replace it with another card, keeping 9 total cards on board. The story has 2 separate full houses 6, 6, 6, 4, 4 and A, A, A, J, J. It's literally too many cards. Can Jack have like Jacks over fours? Yep! Then the story makes sense. They need to share at least a pair, but as is the story makes no sense. All these invasions and a Caribbean wide war is over an impossible situation.

Please fix the lore. I'm crying.
Well, the lore for one was written during POTCO, by POTCO.

Also, they do not say in the lore if they were playing Texas Hold 'em (Tortuga Hold'em in game) or 7 card stud/5 card draw., just that they were playing poker. BUT reading the lore it would be safe to bet that they are playing either 7 card stud or 5 card draw. This would mean that they are NOT sharing the community cards that you see on the table in Texas/Tortuga Hold'em. There is NO way to make those two full houses work with community cards on the table.
"Knowing Jack was a card lover, Jolly invited him to a friendly game of poker. Jolly had to cheat to win so he conspired with a villainous Witch Doctor to deal the cards. Jolly won hand after hand. Soon Jack was out of luck and money. As Jolly hoped, Jack bet his seat on the Brethren Court for one, last hand. The Witch Doctor dealt Jolly a full house - Sixes over Fours. Jack knew he was being cheated so he plucked an Ace from his sleeve and presented a Full House too - Aces over Jacks. "

In Tortuga Hold Em (Texas Holdem) two players would be dealt 2 cards, then share 5 community cards. That's 9 total cards. If you cheat you remove one from your hand and replace it with another card, keeping 9 total cards on board. The story has 2 separate full houses 6, 6, 6, 4, 4 and A, A, A, J, J. It's literally too many cards. Can Jack have like Jacks over fours? Yep! Then the story makes sense. They need to share at least a pair, but as is the story makes no sense. All these invasions and a Caribbean wide war is over an impossible situation.

Please fix the lore. I'm crying.
Jack can have aces over fours, sixes over aces, sixes over jacks. Maybe more, but you are totally correct, Jack could not have completely different cards than are shown. But then again, what makes any sense when both are cheating and the dealer is corrupt?

Reading responses, I'm not even sure what kind of card games existed in 1700/1800. I kind of thought the Caribbean was more into dice games like throwing chicken bones and animal parts and such. Maybe the Queens England had card parlor games. At least there they could read and write.
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Hold 'em poker didn't exist back then, but poker variants (and definitely playing cards) did if you are talking about in real life.

The Spanish had a game called Primero and the French had a game called Poque each was brought to the new world Americas with the colonies. Spanish game likely came from the Middle East (which likely came from further East). The Umayyad Caliphate (and then the following empires) controlled Spain from uh 700-1500 +-50 years on each so playing cards are pretty old.

Hold 'em came about in like the 60s or 70s though and it the only poker variant in the game.