Discussion Can We Have a Serious Discussion About Red Text?

Which kind of chat system would you like to see?

  • Mature Language Filter option

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • I think we shouldn't have restricted chat at all

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • I'm okay with the current one

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Only chat from a list of predetermined messages

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sea Legs
I realize that this topic is generally seen as something that people want in the game, and I completely understand. I like having to think creatively to express myself instead of using a cheap word that makes me look ignorant.

That being said, I just received a 48 hour ban for it.

No, I am not here to complain about the system except for maybe a few flaws, but I am here to talk about the system and provide some insight as to whether or not we actually should have the system, and if there are any ways around it.

For starters, this isn't the first time I've been banned for using harsh language in an MMO. I used to play a lot of games and I always had a very bad demeanor. The numerous times I have been banned for using harsh language has really made me cut down on using it, and it's been years since I've played an MMO and been banned/muted for using harsh language (probably about 6 years now). So when I say I don't use harsh language anymore, I really mean it. I don't use harsh language. I don't know how to express this fact any other way than what I have just described.

So, receiving a ban for using harsh language is not something I take lightly. I can provide you with a chat log of what I said last night just for some perspective. I remember everything I said last night, which inevitably caused my 48 hour ban.

Warning: The mods think this is "obscene"
--- K is my friend. I have omitted the rest of his name to keep people from talking to him.
Me: My guild leader in Blade and Soul was hacked today
Me: It's all good, he got his account back
Me: So we started making fun of him
Me: He say
Me: I don't know how someone can even guess my password...
Me: Then someone say
Me: is it dps 123
K: lol
Me: No no
Me: Then I say
Me: His password is password
Me: but it's misspelled because he's asian
Me: pas ward
Me: Then someone said
Me: arrr garr dps 123
Me: big
Me: deck
Me: but deck with an i
Me: He said NO
Me: so arrr said
Me: with such a response I can only assume that it IS big
Me: deck
Me: dps 123
K: lol
Me: or
Me: i hate my clan arrr
Me: 6
Me: 9
-------------------------------------------Sometime later---------------------------------------------
Me: You can get an item called arrr
Me: but you can't even say the word.
Me: arrr
Me: garr
Me: omg
Me: arrr
Me: It's a treasure in the game, and you literally cannot even say the word.
K: That's why I like to use the Charlie Hector Echo Alpha Tango alphabet.
Me: omg
Me: Good idea
Me: Sierra Echo Xray Tango Alpha November Tango
K: LOL that's a shape
Me: Yea, it's a treasure in the game, and you can't even say the word.
----------------------------------------More later-----------------------------------------------------
Me: arrr // Out of context: I was trying to say "Yankee"
Me: Welp, can't use the Y
K: I just use Yellow
Me: Ah
Me: I like using the November Alpha Tango Oscar alphabet.
K: Yea, I use it when there are certain words I can't say.
Me: Like my new outfit?
K: You look like a noob
Me: I know, I tried making it look as Golf Alpha Yellow as possible.

That is pretty much everything we said. This was all in Crew chat, by the way. None of this was public for people to see, and I know K in real life.

This scenario may seem very unlikely to many people, and it's hard to tell when someone is talking to their friend in Crew chat, so I can understand where the mods are coming from; however, this kind of thing needs to change.

Let's start off by talking about potential options that the game can take in order to filter out language and not have to ban people.

First off, you have crew chat only. The mods could completely disregard crew chat when it comes to obscenities. This would allow friends to play together and not be banned for using some harsh language. Easiest to implement, as you would only have to tell mods not to give bans to people using Crew chat.

Secondly, we have the "Mature Language Filter" option. Allow players to turn on and off the language filter through their options. This would require some changes to the options menu, but could be very nice as red text would still show while typing, but you could completely ignore it if you were talking to someone else with the language filter turned off. Programming this would take almost no time at all. Just change the way the chat server sends messages and add an option to the client that allows for turning off the language filter.

Third, we can completely get rid of the system altogether. I like this option the most, but I believe a lot of people would be up in arms about it. Pirates, historically, are not known for following "rules" aside from their "code," and even then Pirates would betray the code because there is no honor among thieves, not to mention language was NOT a part of their code. Nobody cared what language you used.

Lastly, we could just get rid of "free chat" altogether. This would prevent people from using bad language completely in favor of predetermined chat messages that are selected through the chat menu. Some games like all of the "101" series, and Club Penguin (old, and only certain servers) favored this system as it would allow people to talk without having to worry about someone misspelling a word or something that caused it to be "red" and them to be banned. The only people who would favor this kind of system are the people who are afraid of being banned from the current filter.

The filter isn't perfect. I, personally, would like to see some changes to the current chat system so I don't get banned for accidentally misspelling a word.
Those logs were not the reason why you received the 48 hour ban. An email should've been sent to you containing the logs when the ban was set. If you didnt receice it, email support@tlopo.com and we will email them over.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Bans aside, the merits of an open chat system have been discussed to death here. You can seek out dozens of existing threads for more information, but in summary: TLOPO is in a delicate situation and they want to keep the game family friendly. We encourage you to use an external chat service like Discord where TLOPO is not liable. The restrictive chat system will not be changing.
I have locked this thread due to it being centered around a ban, which are not allowed to be discussed publicly. You're not alone in your concern for the chat system, and there are numerous threads discussing it already. Feel free to voice further opinions on the chat system in the the threads linked below.


I also recommend you review the thread linked below, as it address upcoming changes to the TLOPO moderation policies.

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