Idea Congestion Control

Swift BountyHuntin Rick

Pirate Apprentice
Alright, I have Multiple ideas in mind.
Now they aren't too perfect, but it's meant to help out Congestion problems among some parts of the game that a portion of pirates have been ranting about.

First off, My idea for a possibly more optimal Queue experience, if a pirate joins the game, goes through the wait, and manages to play, if they no longer wish to play, and help other pirates looking to get into the game sooner, maybe a /endplaytime command could be of great use. It'd basically log you out AND clear your position in the Play Slots, allowing immediate space for the next pirate.

And/or in addition to above, an hour inactivity slot clearing, for folks not in-game for at least an hour, it would respectively clear their slot for the next person.

-There is the argument that "what if i had to do something", well, it's an Hour, that's plenty of time. besides, if implemented, the benefits stack since this wont apply to just you, but for everyone, better utilization of server space.

The next idea is towards the sailing AFK'ers. We may be pirates, but we must work for our plundering loots! What i have in mind, is a 10 - 15 minute AFK boat kick to the previous Island they were previously in. OR a default route to the jail cell they'd go as if they sank with the ship. The Jail cell may SEEM odd, but it'd really make it a tad bit simple if coding were needed to reroute to specific locations, if jail cell is simpler, then cool.
As a clever person that i am, if this idea IS implemented in the future, i suggest disabling R for auto run on board Ships, as to avoid Anti-AFK tricks as simple as a button press.

I did NOT double check if any idea here was posted before, if so, i apologize, and maybe seeing it in different words would be more convincing, or more understandable.

Opinions are appreciated. :)
I definitely agree with your first idea, even today, 2 hours of my session was not used because I no longer wished to play. That time could have been used by somebody else. Your other ideas also seem helpful. Hope they implement some of these.
I really hope they make all these points here into game features.
It all these points would be so useful indeed for faster times for getting in game, and dealing with those pesky sailing parasites! Also the disable auto run is a no-brainer/genius idea, since why else would you want to have auto run on the ships to begin with? Even warships aren't big enough to warrant the need for auto run to be active.