create ur own ship

Bart Gunshot

Site Founder
i was wondering what everyone would make their ship like if we could make our ships. Post what colors would be used for the ship, speed, broadsides, what it would look like, the name, and anything else.
my ships name would be called the black death and the hull and sails would be black. It would have torn sails (kinda like the black pearl in the 1st movie) it would be very fast up to 20 knots it would be like a war sloop but the back (were the cabin would be) it would be raised sorta like a phantom ship and the wheel would be up there it would have to masts one on the lower deck and one on the upper deck it would have a skeleton firgure head that would be holding a skull it would have 20 broadsides and 16 upper deck cannons
I have a couple of them....
Revengica Ultimatum
This ship would have a silver hull with 15 broadsides. The helm is on a small raised platform to see what is in front. It has a figure of Triton up in the front, holding a thunderbolt. It's sails are light grey. There is a mast behind the helm and a mast near the front.​

Siren's Revenge
This ship would have a dark black hull with mold growing on it. The sails are black and full of seaweed and other things collected from the ocean's floor. It has 36 broadside cannons, a brig capable of holding 50 doomed prisoners, and up top it has 80 above-deck cannons. A raised platform near the ram prow holds 4 frontal cannons for sneaking up on the enemy. 2 cannons can shoot enemies from behind. The ship's helm is on top of the cabin, preventing backstrike mutiny. The ram has a figure of a siren carved out blackened wood. It has a mast right behind the helm, two sails sticking out above the ram, another sail sticking out the rear, another mast in front of the helm, and one more in front of it. The ship is massive, about the size of 4 war frigates ram-to-aft. It goes about 35 knots.​
Black Widow
It would have a Dark Black Hull with Black Ripped up sails like the Black pearl in the first movie. It would have a statue of a demon with a sword with lanterns in his eyes so they can be on fire. It has 36 Broadsides on each side. Then up to 80 on deck cannons. (40 on each side) Then on the front deck there are triple guns like on the Flying Dutchman. Off the stern there are more triple guns. There are two main masts on the main deck. Stairs on each side going up over the Cabin. Up there is the Helm and another mast. The Helm is made of all bone. That is my ship.
The Black Warrior
The Black Warrior would be a galleon, About the size of 3 ship of the lines, with 140 deck guns, and 100 broadside guns. The hull would be Black, and there would be 12 masts, so the ship would go much faster. The sails on the masts would be black, each containing a white picture of a man shackled to a wall, with a sword through his stomach (the ship's flag). The ships's sides would be made of metal, at about an angle of 55 degrees, so cannonballs would just roll off without damaging the ship. It would go about 50 knots at most (a combination of the masts, and an unearthly power unknown even to me, the captain). The front would be very pointing, and be made of metal, much like the Titantic. If Ramming Speed is used on a ship, it would do much more damage than a regular ship using Ramming speed. If the masts of the ship is knocked down, the unearthly power of the ship would still allow it to go about 20 knots, a very fast speed for such a large ship. The cannons are so powerful, if enemies were to board the ship, the broadsides could destroy the ship, forcing the enemies to jump overboard. Regular cannonballs have no effect on the hull of The Black Warrior, and anything else has very little effect.​
Forgot to add this one.
Mystical Guardian
This ship would be made of a rare white wood. The sails would be very bright white, and the hull and sails would give off a bright silver aura. Helm would be in front of the captain's cabin. It would have 3 masts, but 23 sails. It would sail at about 37 knots, making it one of the fastest in the Caribbean, and making up for it's lack of hull strength. The cannons would be shiny silver, and there would be 50 on board. 23 on each side, and four in the front. It would have 14 broadsides. It's light will attract sailors like moths, and when a victim nears, they will be lured onto the ship, and killed. The victim's ships would be destroyed and set adrift as a warning. It has the appearance of a large war sloop, about the size of one war frigate.​
The Black Warrior
The Black Warrior would be a galleon, About the size of 3 ship of the lines, with 140 deck guns, and 100 broadside guns. The hull would be Black, and there would be 12 masts, so the ship would go much faster. The sails on the masts would be black, each containing a white picture of a man shackled to a wall, with a sword through his stomach (the ship's flag). The ships's sides would be made of metal, at about an angle of 55 degrees, so cannonballs would just roll off without damaging the ship. It would go about 50 knots at most (a combination of the masts, and an unearthly power unknown even to me, the captain). The front would be very pointing, and be made of metal, much like the Titantic. If Ramming Speed is used on a ship, it would do much more damage than a regular ship using Ramming speed. If the masts of the ship is knocked down, the unearthly power of the ship would still allow it to go about 20 knots, a very fast speed for such a large ship. The cannons are so powerful, if enemies were to board the ship, the broadsides could destroy the ship, forcing the enemies to jump overboard. Regular cannonballs have no effect on the hull of The Black Warrior, and anything else has very little effect.​
Sounds cool, but it wouldn't float mate. A ship that big. Well it depends on which Ship of the Line are you speaking of?

Oh yeah on my Black Widow it would sail at 40 knots.
So, my ship can't float, but the Flying Dutchman can just casually come out from under the water?
Aye mate that's why I said which version of the Ship of the Line. Plus the Flying Dutchman is a fake ship. A real ship like we are talking about the size of three Ship of the Lines Would have a tough time. But that's why I said which version.
Aye mate that's why I said which version of the Ship of the Line. Plus the Flying Dutchman is a fake ship. A real ship like we are talking about the size of three Ship of the Lines Would have a tough time. But that's why I said which version.
The version that have supernatural powers that make it float no matter what! :( lol
the Diablo
This ship has a blackened hull and black sails with an ominous aztec design of a serpent. Then, there are 72 above deck cannons (36 for each side) and about 44 below deck cannons. Then there are quadruple guns at the front and back of the ship. These quadruple guns are very unique and powerful, and they are designed to look like demons who breathe fire. The ship can go to about 42 knots, making her extremely fast. The figure head is a serpent carved from the same wood as the hull. The ship has quite a few lanterns as well (fire xD). Also, the ship can hold around 60 fateful prisoners. The helm is on the upper deck, (made of the wood from the hulls of their fateful prisoners' ships), right above the elaborate captain's quarters. The ship gives off a fire-like aura. She is about the size of three war frigates, maybe 3 1/2 lol. Oh, and she can hold around 40 cargo.
I want to see something like sail customization like on the hunters. That would be awesome to have your own personalized ships.