Customazion of our ships!

Will we be able to customize our ships?!

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Notorious Pirate
So far in the past month i have heard rumors of people saying that there will be and update, that soon we can customize our ships! like we can make a design on our sails, and the color of the ship im 100% sure! Is it true or not?
There have been alot of rumors floating around about everything... SOTL, trading, customization.... Doubt any are true though. I would need a solid date of release with Disney Dev proff to believe any of that.
I agree with Constance until I see a definite release date on the pirates online website I won't believe it. There have been rumors about things since the beginning of time, sometimes they end up to be true. Most of the time they aren't So if I were you mate I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on it.
i havent heard anything about this yet...... but i think i will believe it when potco announces it officially. I rly hope we will be able to customize our ships tho :D
Probably not.

Also, POTCO's claim is total bull.

I can totally agree with this 100%. They've done claims with kraken, and it never came or isn't coming.

There is a possibility that if POTCO says that stuff is coming, there is a chance that they won't even come whatsoever, just to keep you waiting and paying.
Probably not.

Also, POTCO's claim is total bull.

I can totally agree with this 100%. They've done claims with kraken, and it never came or isn't coming.

There is a possibility that if POTCO says that stuff is coming, there is a chance that they won't even come whatsoever, just to keep you waiting and paying.
He said that players will never be able to get lvl past 40.... hmm.. last time I checked I'm lvl 48
All I know is that I can make better ship designs then they can ever do...
I can pretty much sum up what the ships should be able to have done to them simply using Picnik and a bit of JASC. So, there is no reason why it would be too hard to add in-game. I bet if it's released though, it would be simple ugly Bountyhunter colors. This is what I'd choose (it ain't gonna happen though... rofllllll)

And, let's not forget one that actually makes sense.

Yea... they don't look that amazing. Oh. Well.
I voted -yes- just because I like thinking that we're going to be able to. I highly doubt we'll really be able to though.. :mad: I mean, Disney is.. well.. Disney. I guess that kinda explains itself. :rolleyes:
i just wish they would put half the effort they can. i wish i was boss i would work them good and get great new stuff. also see my ideas for potco(well some of them) by me!
- Will we be able to customize our ships? No. At least not in the near future. Or not at all.
- Would we like to customize our ships? Yes, of course.
But wait ...

A feedback for Disney Potco:

Can't we find a middle ground here, Disney Potco? Surely you 'can' make us - your customers - happy and keep our subscriptions. The problem is, whether you 'will' or not. Because you think that's too much work for such a small part of Disney enterprise here.

Well, what about if we don't ask for the whole shebang thing on the ship customization ... I understand that too many variables on body type caused game performance to go down. And so many variables that could come with ship customizations - logically - would also lower game performance. Plus, the scale of the ships, if this were allowed to happen. So ship customization needs to be limited. Maybe not the entire design (what size, room - upper/lower decks, how many cannons, where to put cannons, up to the details of the ship designs). Maybe just the custom flag design, name on the side of the vessel and the color, to start with. Those are similar to giving our pirates different outfits. Surely something like those would not cause too much lag? It would give Pirates tremendous happiness to see those happening!
- Will we be able to customize our ships? No. At least not in the near future. Or not at all.
- Would we like to customize our ships? Yes, of course.
But wait ...

A feedback for Disney Potco:

Can't we find a middle ground here, Disney Potco? Surely you 'can' make us - your customers - happy and keep our subscriptions. The problem is, whether you 'will' or not. Because you think that's too much work for such a small part of Disney enterprise here.

Well, what about if we don't ask for the whole shebang thing on the ship customization ... I understand that too many variables on body type caused game performance to go down. And so many variables that could come with ship customizations - logically - would also lower game performance. Plus, the scale of the ships, if this were allowed to happen. So ship customization needs to be limited. Maybe not the entire design (what size, room - upper/lower decks, how many cannons, where to put cannons, up to the details of the ship designs). Maybe just the custom flag design, name on the side of the vessel and the color, to start with. Those are similar to giving our pirates different outfits. Surely something like those would not cause too much lag? It would give Pirates tremendous happiness to see those happening!
Wow, kudos to you Jade! Very nicely done, is this something you sent in to Disney? I have to agree with all you said. :)